um...a cutterhead slowly turning? or is that the wrong video linked?
um...a cutterhead slowly turning? or is that the wrong video linked?
I can paint my dishwasher red and put a nice set of wheels on it, but at the end of the day, its still a dishwasher.
“Camry Dents never go away; they just become more expensive until the car itself is just one giant dent, forsaken and uninsurable.”
I still miss my SVX :-( Don’t miss the 19 mpg though
Or, alternately, you could do a little internet research and find the 9-5 was made in fairly large numbers virtually unchanged from the 1999-2009 model years, a good portion of it was bog-standard GM parts, and those that weren’t are still readily available, and they’re cheap enough that you could buy a whole other…
You put Cole Trickle’s number on, you assume you’re gonna crash. Hard.
this is always how i’ll remember carl long
Then they buried those bulldozers. Then those.
I’m neither a Trump nor Clinton supporter. And I agree that Flynn was an issue and his leaving was the right thing. But if you’re going to play the whole “this Investigation/Hearing is just a big ol’ excuse to have a witch-hunt” can you please explain to me why it is that the Democratic Party isn’t nearly as concerned…
Sure, but you still suck for making this petty article. You’re no better than the typical republican doing similar things. And since you’re being paid for being petty, you should have at least tried to also calculate his height and weight at the time.
if baron is over 8, there were no state laws being violated as it was mentioned he was 6 months over the minimum. If your going to critique, at least be accurate. A recommendation is not a requirement.
I “Raided” the fuck out of a basketball sized nest dangling from a tree, once. Was prepared to run fo my life but the Raid created enough of a barrier around me that they all bugged off in different directions.
Differentiators between bees, wasps, and hornets. Mainly about hornets and their honey.
I do not think fire would be enough.
Wasps even look like sinister versions of bees. Like they were created specifically to “not bee nice”. They are like the bee’s older, more fucked up in the head brother, who lifts weights, and does meth and cocaine during the week and drinks heavily during the weekend.
Mr. Wasp, meet Mr. Can of Raid.
Thanks. I didn’t realize that. I’ll have to start there from now on. Would still like to know the day before, though.
Thank you for this! I use the Weekend Motorsports Round-up every weekend. I really wish it was still called the “Weekend Motorsports Round-up”. It was way easier to find quickly when it was. I also really wish it would be published on Friday instead of Saturday morning to make sure I don’t miss any early racing.
Mustang body-bag.