The Real Tron Guy

Exactly. My roommate still drives the 1998 Corolla he bought new because it’s boring, and to him, boring is good: it means he can get in, twist the key, and go where he needs to go without worrying about things. He likes driving either of my Mercedes, but they’re not the car for him full time.

Hey, the Crossfire was the only way you could get an SLK with a V6 and a stick. Don’t knock it.

There’s a reason I do CL searches on just the title

Exactly. Nice car, excellent condition, full maintenance records, desirable options. Everything you want in a German classic. But not $21K nice.

What makes you think it’s been thrashed? It looks nice and clean and well maintained.

But if you’re already stretching? You can buy a hell of a lot less car for 88 large. This one? I’d buy that and put the savings away for maintenance.

How was the venison?

That’s the Thunderbird Turbo Coupe, of which I had a 1983 model. In 43,000 miles, mine ate the camshaft and the turbo, and the exhaust manifold was cracked when I finally unloaded it. They did better by 1986, but still.

One friend of mine bought one of these new. It was a fun car, but was plagued by all sorts of weird problems. The interior didn’t hold up? Yeah, if by “didn’t hold up” you mean “the seat frame broke and had to be held together with a hose clamp”. We finally just said “it’s not just a car; it’s an adventure” about it.

Amen. This guy’s trying to get the money back out of his project. It’s a truly impressive achievement...but there’s only so much improvement you can put in one truck.

WRX prices are nuts, but not this nuts. Couple that with the missing mileage and no explanation for the transmission...it doesn’t *look* like it’s been thrashed, but it’s kinda hard to hang your hat on it. I want to like this car...but, sadly, CP.

Hey, he can’t look any...uh...less interesting in spandex than I do.

That’s my reasoning, too. This one looks like the cream of the crop of its model, and that’s worth something. It also seems to be a car I could easily live with as a DD as long as I wasn’t in snow country. Unmodified, probably un-beaten-up, three pedals, reasonable miles for the year, what’s not to like?

That grille is pure Lexus, just turned down a bit.

197 HP?! Wimpy wimpy wimpy! Good luck selling that to Americans.

Majority of *what*, though? The founding fathers decided that a majority of the total population wasn’t enough; rather, it needed to be a majority of the representation in Congress. Each state is free to allocate the electoral college how it wishes to, but a few cities were not to be allowed to wag the dog of the

So you want the coastal cities to run roughshod over the rest of the country? The founding fathers had a better idea.

It ended on January 20, 2017.

I defy you to do mass transit that works for us folks out here in rural flyover country. Free clue: we’re not packed into rabbit warrens like New Yorkers.

Sorry, folks. Not depreciated enough. If it was 1700 instead of 17K miles, maybe, but new cars depreciate really, really fast, even Hellcats. CP.