Jay Insult

Is every review of this season going to be approached from a tone of being weary of the characters, plots, pacing, narrative structure, themes…basically, the show? I'm not saying not to be critical, but jeez, the above reads like any good moments happen in spite of the show.

Precisely! It's like Barry is subject to the harshest possible consequences of the butterfly effect, while the Legends can cause an extinction event for a planet of Mothras and oopsy-daisy their way out of it.

Right, but doesn't the fact that we won't see consequences on the other series kinda make the dire situation the Legends have created kinda toothless? It's the tough part of storytelling in a shared universe, but we as viewers can't really believe the Legends won't fix everything eventually if we don't see

One thing that really sticks out about this finale is that it seems to cordon off Legends into its own little bubble, continuity-wise, with respect to the rest of the Arrowverse. When Barry messed with time on the Flash and created (then un-created) the Flashpoint timeline, it affected the status quo of all of these

My understanding is that mutants are NOT generally known, which is the prime difference between the Legionverse and the Singerverse. In the Singerverse there is a push for mutant registration and public debate. In Legion, only "in the know" people seem to be aware of mutants. Hence Amy's heavy state of denial that

Seeing the Interrogator/Clark being burned again brought up a question that's been bugging me. When I watched the first episode, with Syd's warning to David about "When you see the lights…" I assumed that one of the mutants on the rescue squad was a powerful pyrokinetic, but unless I'm mistaken, none of the Summerland

By far my favorite factoid about Say Anything is the fact that, since the Peter Gabriel song had to be added in post anyway, that John Cusack performed that scene while actually playing "Bonin' in the Boneyard" by Fishbone playing off the boombox on set.

Sure thing!

The "Club Chrome" referenced in the article was actually spelled "Krome," not that anybody outside central NJ could be expected to know that. It was called Club Bene before that.

So, "I Should Be Allowed to Think," is the theme for the Scarecrow, and
NOT "Where your eyes don't go a filthy scarecrow waves his broomstick
arms and does a parody of each unconscious thing you do"? PSSSSSH!