
It’s hilarious how much crowds here have such strong hatred for people being comparatively centrist in relation to their views. What’s even funnier is that Fantano isn’t even centrist. His views are totally left for the most part.

Except that’s not a fact but actually complete bs.

You’ve been led quite astray. It’s a terrible article and you shouldn’t naively take it as god’s word. Unless you’re really just that affected by meme reviews.

Except he IS heavily misrepresented in the article. Anyone who legitimately believes that fantano is an “alt-right” member or whatever has been laughably misdirected.

Really? For me the comment sections on this site have always been incredibly narrow-minded and self-indulgent in their flaunting of their superior intellects by using social issues as a soap box and always to no avail referencing an easy target on the other end of the political spectrum (you know who it is) even if it

Wow you people are so ignorant. He’s a leftist who has not once made an actual racial statement (even in these supposedly “abhorrent” meme videos 🙄) and all you’re going off of is some dirty and selectively informed hitpiece to justify your shallow mentalities when accusing literally everyone right of Hitler as being

Can we please stop perpetuating this false idea that SP never chooses a side or always says that “both sides” are stupid. It is not and never has been true aside from a few occasional episodes here and there that people won’t stop regurgitating. Not only does it come from a naive mindset of there always only being two

Seriously, just don’t even go on these reviews if you hate the show that much and inaccurately accuse M&T of being conservative apologists (get outta here with that bs man).

It isn’t an AV Club comment thread without at least one “he’s just like hitler!” analogy.

Gotta love how South Park always has people thinking it’s their side thats always the one the show’s in favor of.

Wow, you sure are quick to the throw out the derogatory buzzwords natureslayer (then again, this IS the AV Club forums). I’d say you should kindly fuck off too for being just as insufferable.

The harder difficulty mode is actually not locked behind amiibo, just the Fusion suit skin that can also be unlocked with it. I feel you on everything else though. But, so is the modern state of video game business.

Notably better is just what some reviewers/impressions have said. So it’s the word of people who’ve played it against those who haven’t. And people seem to forget that it’s not like Mercury Steam just made this game entirely by themselves unmonitored. Like any other project collaboration with a western studio

Not sure what you consider to be a “meltdown,” as I’m not acting any more radically than the OP, but those threads may have been some of the few I happened to wander upon on lately on Kotaku/AV Club. Listen dude, I just don’t understand why people think Nintendo were IN THE WRONG to not want to have another similar

You know what else was uncalled for? That cheap and tired potshot you threw accusing me of being a fanboy just because I had a different perspective from you that just so happened to be more favorable towards Nintendo. Try coming up with a legitimate retort in future instances.

At least you tried.

Yeah, they “shut it down” after it was already put online and it still exists and is very easily attainable. And neither was this made in response to the fan game. THEY HAD ALREADY BEEN WORKING ON IT FOR YEARS BEFORE AM2R CAME OUT. What else would you have had them do? Stop crying over it. It’s a 3DS game so of course

I’ve heard it’s notably better than AM2R. And Nintendo had been working on this for years before that was even released, so why wouldn’t they “respond” to that? It’s not rewarding anything but a dedicated development team working just as if not harder on a remake than a fan did.

Except I think the point of the show really did go over you and Vinty’s heads, judging by your criticisms. The whole deal with Ryuko being embarrassed by her body was not the entire show, it was like the first six or so episodes while she’s struggling to be confidant in her body like Satsuki already was. And they’re

Even their terrible double paywall bs? The service itself isn’t poor, but if you’re not interested in also paying for and using Prime (which a lot of anime fans aren’t) then it’s a terrible deal.