
Awesome job condemning the uninvolved husband more than the woman who (allegedly) beat the shit out of her family members. Sort of sounds like she may be a serial shithead too...

Guess she met this guy at the airport:

Evan Mathis' real bar tab:

Of course a $64,000 dinner tab is fake. Everyone knows Andy Reid doesn't coach the Eagles anymore.

Pictured: two asses and a boob.

Tic Tac, Sir?

Seeing all the disappointment expressed by the Game actually makes me glad Twitter didn't exist when I was growing up.

"I caught Tim Duncan peeking at me a little bit,"

Meanwhile, when reached for comment, a drunken All Sport stumbled out of its trailer and vomited in some dead bushes shortly before passing out in the neighbors' lawn.

Now playing

The shot off the bicycle at 2:36 is still one of my favorite things.

We are not men. Those guys, all of them from that generation, were men.

so good

Urkle expresses it best:

5 Hot Abortion Tricks That Will Stimulate His Legislation

I SWEAR TO GOD...if the next article you post isn't about the breaking news on Dwight Howard fucking a 16 year old, I'm changing my Deadspin bookmark to Bleacher Report.

It's a perspective thing. And yes, from this angle, it looks incredible. But it gets a lot less impressive when you see it from the proper perspective and realize he's not actually white.

Let's just say this interview was