
Walter Brennan deserves more love in his roll as Clanton, He is absolutely chilling.

And Wonder Woman sits in here corner sobbing…

Totally agree with the quote and the ending. I am tearing up just thinking about it.

Fuck 'em. Get yer own show.

Steakflower. Worse superhero name ever…

I am skeptical, but if it gets people listening to his music, rediscovering his genius, than it will be only a good thing.

And everyone in Canada just shakes there heads and chuckles quietly…

When you first see him in ROBOCOP, you think: "this bald dude with glasses in the big, bad villain?! WTF?!" But after a while he totally owns that movie. "Ooo… guns, guns, guns!"

On further reflection, I think when Bill Cosby is taken from us will be as devastating as losing a beloved uncle. Mr. Cosby has been a part of mine and my family's lives since I was a child and listened to his albums over and over again. My parents would also take the whole family to see him whenever he came to town

Have to agree with Mr. Anthony. I was destroyed when Clarence Clemons died, so much because he seemed bigger than life, such a large warm presence. I can only imagine what I will be like when his Boss is taken from us.

Brilliant! Kudos to Colbert and crew

Sorry. Loved this episode. Just was too much fun. A- at least.

Gack! Why does God have all the shittiest music?

Wonderland! Still remember this show, all two episodes that ran. Waaaay before its time.

What? No love for the Boss? Come on: High Hopes, January 14.

The Buttlest?

I am hoping, like the Dark Knight trilogy, that the ramifications of Man of Steel carry over to the sequels and that the Superman portrayed in the first movie are the actions of young, brash man and that he will eventually grow into the hero is to become.

Thanks Nathan. Thanks for introducing me to the twisted joys of "Tiptoes" and "Mac & Me" as well of your defense of honest treasure like "The Wrong Guy". I will genuinely miss My Year of Flops.

The Who Who's Next

Sorry Merideth, I couldn't disagree more. This was one of the funnier episodes of the already pretty great season of 30 Rock. And as to the Batman references being 4 years out of date, I felt their referencing was not a direct parody of The Dark Knight, but more of one of the Batman mythos in total, which is still