
Full Self Driving For Realsies This Time (tm)

ok, that’s a tiny fraction of your consumer spending. What about your food? What about your phone? Your car? Your appliances? Your electronics? Technically complex things that take a lot more resources to build and levee a heavier labor and material cost on the planet and on people. This is the weakest “buy ‘merican”

Not much of a US/world history buff? This is incredibly naive. The bulk of products you have in your house are made in China. Getting holier than thou about manufacturing location is weak AF. Go actively advocate for human rights, but don’t bring that in as a serious counter to a superior and cheaper product in a

This becomes clearer everyday. He nailed the timing and initial launch of Tesla, regardless of how he procured the company, he rode that wave to great financial success. The rest has been an utter shitshow. Buying his cousin’s failing solar company with Tesla funding? Killing Twitter? Forcing Cybertruck to happen?


Ok ... I’m trying to parse out a point from this word salad. Is it that you drive the speed limit and you don’t get pulled over? And that some internet bullies pick on you?

When you pour/measure a fluid, it’s a continuous measurement. When you buy something like a bag of chips, it’s a discrete count, either 1 or 2, etc. Having a price in fractions doesn’t really matter, since the fuel is being measured continuously (in fractions) anyway.

Does it matter? It’s a continuous measurement, not discreet. Fractions are inherent in the delivery.

Subaru HIDs or LEDs (not sure which) are fucking horrible. I’m in a lifted 4Runner and I’m still constantly blinded by recent Subaru offerings at night.

I may not be the smartest person”

The unrelenting focus on revenue vs. human happiness/customer enjoyment has never been clearer than a pilot program like this. It’s blind dollar chasing with absolute certainty that it will diminish customer loyalty/engagement.

I regret selling my 2012 Civic Si in 2022 because I couldn’t justify having 2 cars during a divorce, I should have fucking kept it. It was the sedan, had <60k miles, was pretty much mint and a sweet robust NA motor.

Is it different in other areas of the country? I grew up blue collar and watched my parents struggle with debt and learned from their mistakes. I have avoided debt (aside from mortgage) like the plague as an adult.

It’s still like this today - flew into Frankfurt last summer.

you must be new here (to politics, literally everywhere around the globe)

I’ve flown all over the US and Europe. Charles De Gaulle (Paris) is a horrific airport to travel through, out of, or to. The layout is bad (long connection commutes), the security is hyper anal on using a stupid plastic bag, the lines are always long, and in classic French fashion, every employee acts like they’re

Same reason seatbelts don’t save lives, right?

Bro, ther have been GPS in new cars anyway and have for many years.

I’m quite sure this only applies to when cruise control is active. If you’re in control, you can drive whatever speed you want. That’s how it worked for me in an Audi in Germany last year. Is this really that big of a deal if it allows setting 10 over and slows down for speed limit changes (like entering towns)?

I’m quite sure this only applies to when cruise control is active. If you’re in control, you can drive whatever speed you want. That’s how it worked for me in an Audi in Germany last year.