
My guess is they’re package protecting for LiDar and this is another beta test/stop gap that they get people to pay to be part of. Camera alone is simply not viable in large swaths of the country/world. They may also be designing for the 99% operational envelope where Vision only is fine. I’d be scared to drive in

I mean, the Switch also proved that the OGs like Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, etc. still are heavyweights that can move HW. Kind of a BIG part of the Switch’s success

6 years younger, more desirable options, and in incredibly better shape, and still 1500 LESS.

Take off 10k and we’re getting closer. 26K is right out.

Not getting sick is pretty awesome in my book. The peace of mind is better than a Sizzler gift card. YMMV.

I have a small turbo commuter car that retards spark HARD on regular gas. Like borderline dangerously (subjectively) in low RPM.

Well, I ride a lot more defensive than the lead video. He didn’t brake at all. That’s a good video that shows that while the driver is 100% at fault, a vehicle beats a bicycle every single time. Swallow your pride and slow down when you see potential bad situations. Ride defensively.

I always assumed crap like this just forced lean run conditions (changing the “atmosphere” so the ECU dials back fuel) that were hard on the engine. Read: sensors wear out faster, misfire/exhaust is dirtier, and HW components break sooner. Something like the below:

Does it prevent this?

“General Motors is committed to creating good-paying U.S. jobs as we transition to an all-electric future and our recent announcements are proof of that commitment,” said Dan Flores, GM spokesman. “In fact, we recently announced nearly 9,000 jobs and more than $9 billion in new electric vehicle or battery cell

“General Motors is committed to creating good-paying U.S. jobs as we transition to an all-electric future and our recent announcements are proof of that commitment,” said Dan Flores, GM spokesman. “In fact, we recently announced nearly 9,000 jobs and more than $9 billion in new electric vehicle or battery cell

(Not surprisingly) The defendant was to dull to realize the people depicted in Suits are insanely intelligent/capable.

Thank God no one was sitting middle seat in the back - holy crap.

Do you feel disrupted yet?

We did find that we basically made some significant mistakes in assessing the difficulty of certain roofs, but the complexity of roofs varies dramatically. Some roofs are literally two or three times easier than other roofs. So you just can’t have a one-size-fits-all situation.

Why are they means testing this shit. We’re like right at the threshold for complete phaseout (which is FINE), but do I now need to save these stupid checks/deposits (that I’m not even asking for) so I’m not short when taxes come do? Can I just opt out of the stupid payments since this frankly sounds like a hassle?

This is the same trick I use to force my way into an open First Class seat on a plane. I’m totally with you, Squatters unite!

I have a feeling all these kids never had the “joy” of siblings or friends they had to “share” a gaming system with growing up. Watching other people play video games sucks. I will never be convinced otherwise. I get that streaming offers more and different experiences than what I grew up with, but it strikes that

Awesome, and if every country does this, we can jump back to the good old economies, robust middle class, and high living standards of ... *checks notes* ... the 1800s.