
Streaming will forever be something I just do not get. Like are these dbags hate/rage-watching women stream? Each passing day also moves me more into the “internet was a mistake” camp.

I had my iphone 8 replaced after ~ 18 months and the battery life improved by >60%. I have full confidence I could swap my battery on my Switch and improve life drastically, but I have a USB-C near my bed anyway, so I just plug it in.

You could for sure get something leading up to holidays this year, and it would make sense. I assume they’re tight lipped to give Mario and MH room to breath. MH is going to be a boon all by itself, Zelda can pick up right when that wave dies (6 months or so).

... wrong article ...

Lol, investing even six figures into something like this still makes you a ‘regular joe’ vs. who we’re talking about here. You aren’t in that club, none of us are.

The whole interior for Tesla is an exercise in form over function, so this is really just evolution to that end.

Yea the opportunity cost of a long weekend wrenching vs. my free time is way too high. I have two kids and my wife and I both work full time. Free time is at an extreme premium right now.

I’m an avid runner (2000 miles this year), and I don’t really measure pace. Not to be lame, but it’s about the journey. I work through my day and stressors during my long runs and it brings me a lot of serenity. My pace improved on it’s own as I got into running a couple years back.

Do these people use the autocatching stuff? I play daily and run with my phone daily and I’ve been level 39 for a few months and routinely pick up the community events. The XP thresholds seem insane.

I wouldn’t accept a stipend to drive this.

I just rub a damp towel around the cooking surface with a spatula while it’s still hot, then let it cool somewhat, do oil rub, and reheat as described above. It’s really easy.

“Redundancy is great, but there’s still so many use cases where things can fail.”

Is he looking at me or you? Nice Cartman beard though.

I totally agree. I’ve almost been hit running more in the last year than the previous 35 of my life combined. People blowing stop signs, not yielding, SPEEDING. It’s been a hard year, so I get it, but it’s an arguably accurate observation that people are driving worse and this data is a feather in that hat.

I agree with that, it just comes down to the complexity (morality conundrums) of the law. I am *not* an expert in that area.

You know what else human drivers do? Have lethal accidents all of the time - both involving vehicles and pedestrians. Unless you’re proposing that Level 4/5 systems get a “pass” for certain failure rates.

Tesla will never be level 4/5 capable with radar and camera only perception. It’s not development limited (as Elon indicates), it’s sensor physical capability limited.

I’ll ELI5 this for you. No Covid relief will be agreed to in a lame duck period (McConnel made this clear), and the Senate is not in session until January 19th. The impeachment can be completed by the house *NOW* and the trial can happen in the senate later (likely after Biden’s first 100 days so he’ll get his cabinet

In an ideal scenario, maybe you are correct. However, the last four years have shown that daylight does not burn off these people and having these “safe” or, at a minimum, protected echo chambers to whip each other into a frenzy on is no longer palatable. When you look at the whole problem - Russia infiltrating these