
Meh. I’m waiting for Kyle Gass to meet Kyle Liquidd.

This show should be 1000x more popular than it is now.

We either believe in the possibility of redemption for all or redemption for none. I’d rather believe in the former even if sometimes it seems hopeless. As Bryan Stevenson says “Each of us is more than the worst thing we’ve ever done.”

And why is the CEO of a cybersecurity firm putting that much info in an airline user profile?

That is just a crazy person. She thinks somebody who wants to kill her is gonna go to one of the most heavily guarded places there is and somehow nab her? She also was tweeting about her interaction with Southwest employees at the airport... Does it matter what her flight number is? She’s already telling the murderers

I feel like this is another person complaining about something dumb. A flight number is just that, a fight number. Doesn’t mean you’re on the fight, you could be landing at a layover, etc.

Singh said that the incident forced her to hide in an airport bathroom near her security gate for 45 minutes after realizing she would need to exit security checkpoints “where someone could be waiting for me and I would have no way to protect myself from surveillance or worse.”

The primary use for Twitter is to have open and public discussions, or otherwise disseminate information openly. Unless you’re planning on airing your grievances in a public forum... and dealing with potentially identifying/connecting information leaking out in the process (not to be confused with doxxing), might I

Ok, what am I missing here that doesn’t make this a crazy person?

And Jeff Bezos was involved.

This. If you fear for your safety that much, contact them privately, not through a public forum. I'm sorry your public shaming attempt backfired. 

Talk about an overinflated ego...as if anyone gives a shit what your flight number was. Wait, wait...unless your cybersecurity firm is really a front and you are actually a spy?

Wait, she had to hide in an airport bathroom for an hour so someone didn’t ‘survail’ her exiting the terminal? What the hell is she on about? A CEO of some small business whose face is known to no one ‘afraid for her life’ in a US airport? Sounds more like she needs to be on some meds... Yeah lady you’re no James Bond

While I do agree that the airline was in the wrong, I also argue that if leaking the details compromises your personal safety you shouldn't be tweeting about your flight to the world to begin with. 

Things we need government oversight on: People commenting on the internet.

Things we don’t need government oversight on: People purchasing guns specifically designed to kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible.

Fucking way to fucking go.

Ok, Biden says “we choose truth over facts.” Can we start getting over our collective ‘he’s the most electable/safest bet’ thing yet, please? Do not need another gaffe-prone old man to give disingenuous idiots any purchase in making inevitable senility/other projections jokes for the next election cycle. There’s shit

Why? Children already don’t choose their parents, much less their genes. How we come into this world is very much out of our control already. Giving parents the ability to alter their child’s DNA while the child is still in the womb seems like a perfectly ethical practice to me.

The standard is Wendy's Spicy Chicken sandwich. It packs the right amount of heat to be loved by everyone. Anything below that is not "spicy" at all. 

And did the parents, or yours, or mine for that matter, obtain consent to force us to be born?