I assume that anyone going by the name of “Paw Paw” is racist AF, by default.
I assume that anyone going by the name of “Paw Paw” is racist AF, by default.
Aren’t we going to dish their gowns? This is an awards show, after all.
One of my wife’s facebook friends shared a story this weekend about her abortion experience.
Few things here, if you don’t want people to think you are racist, don’t were a MAGA hat. If you think, oh, that could be my son, you need to raise your children to be better people. And lets not forget, this whole thing happened because a Catholic high school decided to take a bus full of teenage boys to a protest…
It’s a physical impossibility for Elon Musk to be out of anyone’s league. If it wasn’t for the Musk Family Emerald Mine, he’d be playing video games in a basement suite with at least one samurai sword on the wall.
If when you go into a public restroom, you are more concerned about someone else’s genitals than emptying the contents of your own bladder, then you need to fuck right off this planet.
The video was also directed by Terry Richardson and is EXTREMELY disturbing. This apology is too little too late.
pschroeter, I’m not a fan of Conway either, but the WWII head-shaving phenomenon was pretty effing creepy becuase it had little to do with punishing actual collaborators and a lot to do with humiliating women and scapegoating: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2009/jun/05/women-victims-d-day-landings-second-worl…
He meant sex for women isn’t essential. They are just the vessels.
Unpopular opinion around this here comment section but despite my criticisms of both Warren and Bernie (esp re: Bernie on the age front and the lingering 2016 divisiveness)... I think that this is mostly fine.
I’m a gay man but I have male and female friends. One thing I’ve noticed in talking with my guy friends about women is that, in general, men do not respect women.
I’m not able to fathom spending more than ten minutes with someone who talks the way he does. I get that an interview isn’t the same as a regular conversation, but GOOD LORD dude. Not everything is “fire.”
Birth control is the “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” of Catholicism.
If men would just start from the perfectly reasonable premise that nobody actually wants to see photos of our dicks, the world would be a better place.
Heck, I'm not even a parent and think hangovers aren't worth it.
But anonymous sources told THR say they feared retaliation from Shaw for speaking out about their workplace conditions. “She uses this idea of being feminist and a progressive as camouflage,” one employee said.
I don't understand why it was EVER ok for taxpayers' money to be used for this.
Jezebel - I expect more from my primary outlet for wasting time at work!Get to the real story here -- how unbelievably fucking bad that hair color is on her! The people are hungry for the truth