
And this is why i print almost everything i need at work. I love that my bosses let us print what ever we want.

Maybe if I get this for my wife she will actually start turning lights off in the house. Do they also make these to close cabinets, drawers, and th doors for both the fridge and freezer?

Ugh. The Appellant in the case was one of my college professors. I feel dirty now.

because if you even THINK about towing with a compact or midsize sedan in america the manufacturer will void your warrany on the spot.

This is going to turn into a Wile E Coyote skit. They push the button, nothing happens. Kim Jung Ung goes over to the "nuclear device" to inspect it and it blows up in his face. 3 seconds later the smoke clears and he is left standing there, missing teeth with a blackened face holding a sign that says "ouch"

So in other words, they bought Ducati for the same reason that a dentist would buy a Harley. They just wanted it for the sake of having it.

My shins hurt just from reading this... And I was planning to go for a run after work. ugh

So what happens when your battery dies and you need to tow your vehicle? How do you get it in Neutral to roll it up on the flat bed?

So what do we do if we want to be able to comment from work but Facebook, Twitter, and Google logins are blocked by the content filter thus disallowing us from loging in?

yay. $15. enough for the Speck case I want on Amazon.

I had to yawn every time i read the word yawn. No cool...

It took me about 5 minutes to realize there was even a car in that first picture.

No Hulu, no deal. I'll stick with my Roku and plug my Macbook Pro into the HDMI via a $5 Monoprice adaper when I need itunes on my TV.

The ebay listing says it has never seen bad weather... and the pictures were taken outside, IN THE SNOW.

So... are they trying to tell me that I can't use a Blackberry because I have a nose? I'm sorry. I have a big nose. I can't relate to marketing figures without noses.

I think I have to go with the M-RAP HAGA. You never know what will come your way in remote parts of the world..

Why did my content filter at work flag that picture as "nudity"? I know its a new Navy, but i didnt think that would be caught by the content filter.

Having this in a laptop would be great for battery life. But if Apple could pull this off, it would completely change the landscape of this country and how power is delivered and stored for every thing we touch every day.

The CVS near my house has 2 cases of these on clearance for $19.00 each. I knew i should have bought one. I could have put it on ebay and made money.

Did anyone else zoom into the pictures of the connectors and see the cracks in what ever EPOXY was used to mount that connection board to the case? Something about this tells me someone is paying $1,200 (current bid) for something someone made with some aluminum, bondo, and old connectors.