
I flew in one that was in service for 3 weeks (guy sitting next to me was was a retired employee and asked the crew) back in August... it was really nice and didn't smell like farts yet.

The elevators in my building don't fall... but they love to drop you off on random floors. No one would call it to that floor anf you didnt push the button, but you end up there. I am on the 5th floor. I pushed L to get outside. The elevator went to 7 then 10, then 11. No one on each floor calling it. I got out

i had a dog named Fido when i was a kid. I neever meet another one though.

yeah it is. Giant blue penis.

Auto dimming rear-view mirrors. Why would I want to spend an additional $350 to $400 to keep from having to flick a little lever on the mirror at night? Additionally, they NEVER work right. Both my cars have them because they were bought used and neither one dims for headlights behind me but they are more than

I'm a big fan of #3 and I have (well HAD) my mirrors adjusted to see my blind spots. I drive an 05 explorer and I wanted to upgrade to the newer 06+ mirrors. They are larger and the heated ones costs about $100 less than the 05 mirrors. Also they are a direct bolt on. The original 05 mirrors were great for

The army uses these at Ft Sill. True, they aren't luxobarges like this. They have hard, plastic seats and half the people end up standing anyway. The ols ones were wooden boxes where everyone tried to stand near one of the 8 tiny windows becasue they get hot and smelly very fast. The new ones are like this but are

I stayed at a Walt Disney World resort last weekend on vacation. The Wi-Fi for the most part was fast and reliable. I found out why later in the week when I tried to stream on Hulu Plus and access Gizmodo. Everything thought I was in Brazil and neither my Hulu account, nor my Netflix account would let me stream. I

Could they just have put it in the wrong place last time they used it? I do that with my keys a lot...

The first one in my house was a Macintosh 512k that my dad bought when I was 4. I learned how to use it at that age. After that we had an SE for a while. For christmas one year he bought my bother and I an LCIII. Later when it got to old we got a Performa 6120.

Thanks for calling it "car porn" when i tried to expand the picture at work I got a content filter that flagged it for "nudity". Now I'll probably be getting a call from the boss. ugh.

So we still hated Britain 150 years after we broke away from them... Yet only 50 years after WWII the most desired big ticket items people bought were from Japan and Germany. People really stuck to ideals 80 years ago, didn;t they?

So in other words people were gambling hundreds of millions of dollars on web sites, mostly owned and operated over seas where there are few laws and regulations, and expected NOT to get ripped off in the end? I'm here holding up the no sympathy card.

they do. If its the front signal, either headlight, or side marker light the wheel has to come off. There is a small access pannel in the fender liner but its far too small for the average man's hands. Its by far easier, and quicker, to remove the few screws that hold the fender liner in off. It may not take a ful

it does not work! My dad was cleanning the fire place one day and had the vacuum running next to the bucket to suck up the dest. Well it picked up a tiny hot coal. Next thing he knew, the living room was full of smoke and I was dragging the thing by the hose out the door and throwing it over the railing of the deck

The reason for the 125 miles is because one of the pictures of this car out there is a warning sticker that is CANNOT be registered and driven on the road. It is a concept and not built to be driven, only looked at.

I litterally had the ass of mine fall off affter being dragged a total of 40 meters a few months ago. I spent the rest of the day training with my boxers hanging out the back of my ACUs. Mine were the old design though. And this was CONUS, not down range.

The rest of the world got the C1 Focus. We got new bumpers and a new dashboard. Thanks Ford. At least it only took them 6 1/2 years to fix that mistake.

not even that one. What about the 2004 -> 2005. The rest of the world got the C1. We go new bumpers and a new dashboard.
