Jayden Leonard

This goes out to everyone that's still arguing over Suicide Squad. Enjoy.

Looks like I'm saving my cash for Civil War, then.

Yeah, they should've just let Jon Sphaits do it on his own.

They're still better bugs than the glitchy mess they were in the Colonial Marines game (that's the canonical sequel, by the way).

I'd agree, but if we did, we wouldn't have gotten James Cameron's Aliens out of it. The next few shouldn't have happened, though.

You probably haven't seen The Counselor, then…

Yeah, but then we've got other stuff like The Martian or Blade Runner he's done. Not too sure what you think about them, but they're pretty damn awesome to me. Not saying The Martian's as good as Blade Runner, though, 'cause it's not.

As long as it ain't Damon Lindelof again, I'm cool with it.

Well, who wants to bet Kung Fu Panda 3's gonna roll right over this thing next week? Maybe, at least.

I'd ask where abouts United Passions is, but then again, it didn't even make a grand in North America, so I guess that answers that.