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After being burned multiple times in the last several years, thanks but no thanks. Someone should post this video in every Ubisoft article for E3 this year.

You need to change your definition of “cheap” and “favorite”.

You need to change your definition of “cheap” and “favorite”.

How is this a favorite keyboard? Razer products break within a year.

How is this a favorite keyboard? Razer products break within a year.

What happens when there is nothing you can do to fix the game but wait for a patch on consoles, yet on pc you can change a few settings a be ok? I mean i understand why you said that comment, so you can start a battle in this big pc vc consoles war.

I finally built my first gaming PC to get ready for VR and yeah sometimes games just work on consoles but playing the PC version definitely seems much easier to tweak nowadays than the way it was made out to be in the past.

Yes, because changing graphics settings is such a complicated affair. I’m sure the low-to-medium PC settings are what the consoles look like anyway, so you not wanting to change them would make sense.

Then don’t read and comment on PC articles.

It actually is worth it. Once you see a game running at 1440p, 60+ fps, you would understand how worth it it really is.

So you can have less graphical fidelity and less options to tweak the game to run well? Because god knows if a console has fps issues you’re basically shit outta luck, can’t really turn down many options

Why? So you can have inferior graphics and performance?

Right?! I mean, totally. At least when games get bad releases on console there’s NOTHING you can do. Totally more worth it when that happens, then. Oh, and it’s happening more often to boot....

Because you don’t want the option of making your game run more smoothly?

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You found it terrifying, Patricia? Wow. Total 180 from my own experience. The first time I built my own PC, I felt exhilarated. I finally got to see the nuts and bolts of this thing I owned and used. I began to understand it! I just followed the instructions, step by step. Everything slowly but surely snapped into

What was that about ugly PC cases again?

Patricia, I have something for you.