Jayden Cash Flow

YOU are the pun. lol. Now take a break on the keyboard mate.

honestly, the character is probably a west indies native and not African at all. People that assume racism all the time have a mental disorder. Sometimes a toy is just a toy of somewhat historical reference.. quit picking apart the history of the world and rewriting to suit the needs of the PC police.. its getting old.


no, it really isnt.. Its history.. so, no, its not racist.. Pirates kept many slaves.. from all backgrounds.. depending on where they were, they had different ones.. It was life back then.. If you didnt listen to the captain you would end up in chains too.. way of life back then.. If people have a hard time with the

doubtful. Lego and many others make similar products with no recourse. This is just another attempt at a "ghetto lottery" .. slow news day is SLOWWW..

doubtful. Im sure they are laughing like everyone else.. Its kind of ridiculous this woman is so annoying. That fake picture of her kid, fake crying, is really over the top. This is how pirates were.. .get over it.. History is king.