Protip: Double bag the mattress with two waterproof pads: one that zips around and one that covers over the top with elastic. And leave an extra pair of clothes out when they go to bed.
Protip: Double bag the mattress with two waterproof pads: one that zips around and one that covers over the top with elastic. And leave an extra pair of clothes out when they go to bed.
deleted as upon a CTRL-F search after posting I see the author wisely referenced My Cousin Vinny. Excellent!
The advice I give to all new or soon to be parents:
But tell me more about your FFB draft strategy and team! - said no one, ever.
Gives me a Lump in my throat, just thinking about it.
Fascinating that $91 is a “deal” today when Target was selling similar pools for $35 at the onset of the pandemic.
Fascinating that $91 is a “deal” today when Target was selling similar pools for $35 at the onset of the pandemic.
Came here for this. Left at a speed greater than 55 mph.
Does the expert have an orange tint? Likely not an expert.
There’s just no way to avoid these puns.
FACT: It is impossible to read Knufflebunny Free without it getting dusty in the room. Im.poss.i.ble.
I’m disappointed I had to purposely scroll THIS FAR DOWN to find an Office Space reference. I mean, it was on Comedy Central yesterday, people!
At our Costco everyone had multiple cases of toilet paper and bottled water. Which makes sense. Because in the future everyone will have severe diarrhea and be very dehydrated as a result.
It is the Cadillac of Minivans...
That’s true, but not a planet I want to orbit
Back in. When does your Super Bowl party start? I’d love to partake in your Taco Night Taconite Hot Dish.
Had me at Taconite, lost me when explaining it’s not Taco Night.
No kidding. Go to the DTF in Taipei 101 and you still wait ~60 minutes -- and that’s dumpling epicenter!
The best parenting advice we ever received: