“ I blowed his brains ewt...It was friggin awesome Mathieu, eh?!
“ I blowed his brains ewt...It was friggin awesome Mathieu, eh?!
Yea I bet it was kinda trippin’ you out lol. The fact that it isn’t backwards (facing out so it could be read from outside the truck) made me look at it a little harder, and realize it was the badge on the pickup truck tailgate.
The GMC badge belongs to the white pickup truck behind the Bronco. It’s on it’s tailgate.
“but *your a fucking asshole busybody”
LOL WTF @ your profile pic?!
Yea, it can be used as vaginal lube too, but cmon, a man shouldn’t need to lube up a girl artificially, he should be able to make her self-lubricate lol.
Lol that’s how I feel about everything health-wise on the news. Literally everything is healthy and good for you, then months-years later it’ll kill you, then it’s got new found health benefits, etc. So I say fuckit and eat and drink anything and everything I want, in moderation. Life is too damn short...
User name check out...
Yes sir! More people need to know that all natural coconut oil is a great sexual lube, especially for anal😉
Yep, both pairs on women ;)
Lol the only way to do it if you ever want that sweet (literal) ass again!
“Though coconut oil is good for anal”
Wait... so should I get a refund for the pen- ...I mean diet pills I ordered off the interwebz last week? Because I ordered pe- diet pills to help me grow my pen- I mean to lose some weight. Yea, I’m gonna get a refund :(
Coconut oil is best used by getting a hand job from your girl. Then, as a bonus, it tastes great, so she can suck it off! That’s what I’m talking about son!
That’s just bad fuckin’ass! Dudes gotta be pushing 65+ and he headbangs better than I do, and I’m 35 lol. I don’t think I’ve ever went that hard, even in my younger years. Bad ass mofo right there!
Yea that’s bullshit. A lot of people who would never text and drive, like my father, check their phones at red lights. So do I, I don’t see anything wrong with it either. As long as your phone is down before the light turns green and you’re not snoozing at the green light making the cars behind you lay on the horn cuz…
Holy shit... was not expecting that! Awesome!