Jay Converse

South Park does a lot of things well, but nuance isn't really one of them. By attacking this issue with their usual big brash hammer, the nuanced argument of "It's delusional to think that no one will ever be mean to you online, so if you enter into that space be ready" becomes read as either "Oh, so South Park is

The casual mention of there being "only a couple" negative comments was a nice little casual extension of spending too much time in hermetically-sealed safe spaces. Spend enough time fostering only positive attention towards yourself, and you can forget just how voluminous the shit can be online.

While I'm not sure I'd give the overall episode this low of a grade, I have to agree that the final joke really just ground the momentum of the entire episode to a halt. It's as if the episode just stopped and asked, very blatantly, "Look at this bad thing! Doesn't it suck?"

If we're fantasy casting The Music Man, Seth MacFarlane or go home.