Jay Compton

It depends on the eye of the beholder. If someone says it's art, then it is. If someone says it isn't, then it isn't. Art isn't like science, which relies on principles of verifiability and falsification. Art is completely subjective.

We aren't necessarily in disagreement. My last comment was only taking the emphasis off of assumptions about others and laying them squarely with the subjectivity of the individual viewer as the only standard.

A more careful reading of my comments would say otherwise. Cheers.

Perhaps you missed my first sentence: "I believe that art is whatever the individual says is art."

Are you saying that the Lifetime Network represents the best in quality programming from or for women? Because I really hope that isn't what you're saying.

I believe that art is whatever the individual says is art. Now, whether it's quality or not, well, that's where the discussion gets interesting. The Jonas Brothers and the Beatles are both art, but you won't catch me singing along to the former.

It assumes nothing of the sort. There's art and there's art. Nobody is confusing Andy Sidaris with Alfred Hitchcock, tho I love them both. You get out of it what you want to get out of it.

What makes you assume that I feel threatened? It's a TV show, for pete's sake. I disagreed with the choice and I challenged it, which got the author of the article to explain himself, which in turn caused me to say, "Oh, okay. I get it," and then I deferred to him with a respectable "agree to disagree."

Okay, then, I'll bite. Art can be anything. If you create it, put a frame on it, and call it art, then it is art. That doesn't mean it is quality art, but it is art.
I think TV is better now than it has been in many years, and I'd call it pop-art, but it doesn't exactly push many boundaries. It's less conventional


Justified is on Netflix, just not in the USA. If you have a Netflix
country switching app, then you can switch the location server and watch it, even in America.

I believe you, but still find it a poor choice for #1. Just my opinion. I'm still trying to figure out why people love The Walking Dead so much, so I obviously don't have my finger on the pulse of mainstream America, LOL.

"This conversation?" I've never seen any comment thread anywhere debate whether television has artistic value or not. You're going to need to come at me another way if your goal is to be dismissive, because I'm not buying that snark. Try harder.

Bullshit on what? If you were relying strictly on the quality of the show, then it wouldn't have taken you a week figuring out how to spin this sucker.

Since when is anything on TV worthy of being called "art?" Entertainment, sure, but art? Not a chance.

Not unless you paid attention before March, when it was canned.

I guess. I hated the show and, given this article's content, think that AVC makes it their number one for reasons other than the show's quality (or lack thereof).

No, it was cancelled last March due to low ratings.

Soooooo . . . Uh, yeah. When did the Lifetime Network buy AV Club?