that'll be a 60+ GB download XD
that'll be a 60+ GB download XD
Well that's k i guess. Price is steep for something so dated though. Do they do sales like steam?
Oh my bad i thought he said you have to pay for the emulator as well as the game. I just thought the emulation was already being done on the system and all you had to pay for was the game.
I'm a tad confused :/
So you pay them for the emulator now?
So has every sim got a car in the game then? because he said it's low wealth at the bottom of the hill plus i don't see buses using that road :/
When it was first talked about this is what it looked like. So i just thought it was a region difference just like they did with the injustice gods among us collectors where US gets a different model to us in EU :D
Kotaku isn't showing it for some reason even though i see it in the preview box.....…
Now that's a nice rack.
On topic. I see this kind of stuff all the time mostly with F2P games. I remember the talk about fair trade looking into F2p games. Might have some sort of connection
ikr, Not like it'll mess up your lungs or owt either. I also heard smoking asbestos has no negative effects on us.
The UK one would be for EU customers
Whats with those massive anal beads? someone needs to caption that it's just too funny looking facial expressions and everything XD
Got to be the best BS story i've heard all day!
It's amazing they still keep to this region only BS why not make it a worldwide release?
I've still yet to buy a 3DS game for my 3DS after 4 months now LOL
It's an none issue when you have on the steamwork shop
I also turned myself on April 9th
ikr and in games like BF3 we get stuck with fucking dirt bikes........................
Muppet i know right. Loved the Battlefront games. Hell they had the ones on N64 Star Wars: rogue squadron
Mate. The Battlefront game's were off the chain!
Lost Both firered and leafgreen. Lost so much :[
*Dressing up as fictional characters to gain attention*
*Someone spots cosplayer and take a photo*
*Cosplayer flips shit*