
Better hope that build quality isn't going to drop

Can't wait to see this on steam...... It will be on steam i hope!

We already had bounty hunter didn't we on PS2 and xbox?

It's like saying! "Hey i'll get the Vita because i want to play the new Pokemon game on it"

Games of a quality far higher than a Nintendo game don't usually make it on a Nintendo on platform.

Kill feed is broke and never works in real times.

Gnasher was the go to weapon shit if someone bought me the new GOWJ i'd still be using the Gnasher just because it's the Gnasher!

It's crazy, You got us lot in the UK telling our government to not tear apart out NHS then you guys in the US are telling your government to cut down on higher caliber weapons in trying to make it a safer nation. Fucking hilarious OLOLOLOOOLOLOLOL

Nice tits *Thumbs up*

Too bad they won't give you dupe copies with origin XD

Mate PvZ is ace, Got that on steam years ago! :D

Wasn't this found out about like last week?

No shame at all. I use this badboy in public all the time :P

Traffic killed my city but it's not an issue i guess......

Or rolling back saves by either 30min 1/2 hours idk

Wasn't this game meant to ship with different colour grading?

Nice PR stunt. Trying to gain extra sales from this mess!

Nice slide show.

Fucking skeletor got more meat on his bones than these bitches!

#1 Tip: Be online!

And all these fucking muppets that now cry about being unable to play happen to be the ones that said online DRM was ok and didn't mind it.