
So thieves also tweet.

Bought two boxes of 6 few months ago and left them in the fridge they still there and i cba to eat them. I love them but there is a time and place.

Well if it fucked up for the press i see alot of people getting pissed with the day one citys they start losing.

Why would you want to reboot the Sega 32X days? Have you been smoking skittles recently?

Well they hit that goal fast 151k :P

isn't hard to do when you put the time into these core games my BF3 acc has done over 700+ hours L4D 300+ L4D2 300+ a free to play game maple from back in 04-2013 thats about 5-6k GTA games do a fair few hundred hours also so seems about right.

Man COD4 changed alot within the FPS genre plus it was amazing back in the day :D

paid to play games. I'd be making more than my dad if thats the case!

Fair do's

This reminds me of the time Bungie started the team up with microsoft so long ago

The games industry is getting so shitty the gender topic has come up so much in the past months ever since that female from a Japanese studio said she was sexually abused at work.....

Unless they use a hybrid this way it would still keep saves local but also pushing it online as well for use with the PSP systems?

They will. Just lower budgets.

Fair do's and i do understand alot of folks don't live close to major or well supported city's to gain access to networks that support such traffic.

Not both? Plus uploading a save file would be quick.

Sorry if my standards are a bit too much.

idk man Dropbox makes it stupid easy for both plus if you got other systems/devices hooked to the acc it would keep them all synced.

Was thinking about other types of media films music photos n all that jazz, This way it keeps shit off the system it's self unless told otherwise by the user.

This is way better quality than the steve jobs one that i saw that went for £200