Kotaku. You are behind the times. Here’s a better tip. The first Black female in a fighting game Jacqui. Who’s set to debut in Mortal Kombat X
Kotaku. You are behind the times. Here’s a better tip. The first Black female in a fighting game Jacqui. Who’s set to debut in Mortal Kombat X
How isn't this the hot story right now? Taylor Swift just had a sex tape and her photos being leaked:)
What a hiptoss by Rousey over The Game.
Let's hope Spiderman or Wolverine will show up.
Anybody else felt that Daredevil Netflix felt too much like Chris Nolan's Dark Knight films?
Don't forget the filmmakers could also use the Fair Use Act because it's a parody of the original Power Rangers.
Honestly. The film tried way to hard to be "gritty".