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Some of the more vicious comments Jimmy got on his video.

Kobe’s response to Lebron James.

Kobe has something to say about that.

You’re just looking to start shit. Game of Thrones is one of the best things going on TV right now.

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Now this is a film I can’t wait to see be remade.

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Love him or hate him. Floyd Mayweather is one of the greatest boxers of all time.

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Here’s an honest review. I felt Age of Ultron was a better film than the first Avengers because of a better story line.

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You better watch out. Feminists might have a problem with a PC game too just like GTAV

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This spoof nailed it. I live right around the corner from the Scientology building and they are always bugging people for converts. My reaction says it all.

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And it looks like Furious 8 will happen with Shaw still being alive. But Furious 7 was great fun, even without much of a plot.

This is news?

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Kotaku. You are behind the times. Here’s a better tip. The first Black female in a fighting game Jacqui. Who’s set to debut in Mortal Kombat X

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How isn't this the hot story right now? Taylor Swift just had a sex tape and her photos being leaked:)

Don't forget the filmmakers could also use the Fair Use Act because it's a parody of the original Power Rangers.

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Honestly. The film tried way to hard to be "gritty".