
I love “My god is an angry god” from him.

This applies to all versions, but the base sharing and HUB are platafform locked (you can’t see a base created on PS4 in PC version of the game)

You can’t buy fuel but with patience you can find ships in ports that sells antimater, and lots of thamium (fuel cells are made of these).

The almost-multiplayer implemented method it’s not so bad, gives you great sense of adventure travelling to find other people’s bases and having little rendezvous whit them there if you are lucky or persistent.

I has enjoyed this game from day 0... so you can expect that I’m enjoing mooooore with latest updates :)

P.K.D.is a beast of mind.

Possible death rate % ?

Condom-inic Toretto

Crispy chinchulines was not very common years ago, ussually is served cooked with a consistency more chewy that’s not so friendly.
If you liked chinchulines definitely must try “mollejas”, it’s not very popular ‘cause pricey... it’s in fact cows glande salivaire... but don’t let that stops you to try.

In Argentina we call that “chinchulines”. The main issue is the cook point, if it’s crispy (like in the picture) is less shocking to the newcomers.


I still play this. I still love it.

Now playing

May be is a work from the local Fight Club´s guys...

WTF is going on here?

This is the begining of “Millenial Park” movie?

“Raters were much more willing to socialize with someone they considered attractive than someone unattractive”

I agree. I own Witcher 3 and hasn’t played beyond a couple of hours until I lost interest... then switched to Far Cry (4 and Primal).
I really like first person, for the inmersion in the game.

Mass eject II ...

We love conspiracy theories because the only thing we like more than lie is to find when someone else is lying.

“This news is a real dick punch...”