Ever driven through the rain? If not, you are not old enough to be reading this “R rated” blog. If so—read on....
Ever driven through the rain? If not, you are not old enough to be reading this “R rated” blog. If so—read on....
Eurie Lee Martin’s niece figures that when he walked out of his Milledgeville, Ga., group home on July 7, he was…
It is time for polite, respectable, rational people to start saying what has become painfully obvious: It is time to…
This article contains major spoilers for Star Wars: The Last Jedi.
You can’t take it with you.
This is the time of year when you do nice things for others. Here is a very nice thing you can do today, and it will…
Around the time of Trump’s inauguration, when America’s maximum diffuse liberal rage was seeking an outlet, there…
Yesterday, the highly unstable leader of North Korea tested a nuclear missile capable of striking the highly…
Bitcoin is a fake and made-up scam. Can you articulate what it is? “Bullshit jargon that means nothing”-you. Hell…
Put on your tin-foil hat, cover your webcam with a piece of tape, and wait for the imminent arrival of the lizard…
Ask An Adequate Woman is a space where readers can ask the questions they can’t—or maybe just won’t!—pose to their…
Inevitably, you’ve got a holiday party or two left to attend (unless you wriggle your way out of it), and it’s only…
You’re about to be in for a whole lot of family togetherness. Some of that togetherness will probably be spent…
As you may have imagined, our call for your sordid tales of holiday party mishaps yielded tales of in-office…
Many of you may be having office holiday parties today, so let me start by asking: What are you wearing? I can’t…
It may feel like it’s been a long time since you were an idiot teen, but the memory of being grounded for the stupid…
There’s a scene in Dazed and Confused where Kevin Pickford’s parents find out he was planning to throw a party that…
Owning your own home is still part of the classic American dream, but financing that white picket fence is rarely…