
@JYJ705: I kinda sympathise with the Coyotes a bit. It's sad that such mismanagement of the franchise has led to the low attendances that's blighted them this season. Has the numbers there been any way decent since their move out to Glendale?

@Glenn Wilson's Moustache: Man that must suck living in Chicago, having to endure the parade supporting the opposition and all that :(

@shouryuuken: I don't know what they have to add to professional boxing that will see it bumped up to M (or for me in Europe, a 15 to an 18).

It's just going to be the predictable gangsta rap soundtrack probably. If Fight Night wants to go M-rated, is that going to bump the new Mortal Kombat into AO territory?

I'm really disappointed with the Blackhawks' title defence this season. Playing sub-.500 hockey, top 6 forwards showing way too much inconsistency, back 6 missing defence assignments... it's no wonder Turco's getting mortared game in, game out.

I can't recommend Dwarf Fortress enough, but be warned: you'll totally be lost without a wiki.

@das7002: Canabalt is a browser flash game and it's up there. If it's free, it's fair game.

@dmcshinobi: Dear god man, don't give them any ideas! Bad enough seeing Jersey Shore plastered everywhere without having the possibility of seeing it in game stores too! D:

Can you imagine how much different The Ring would have been if it was a DVD and not a tape? You wouldn't get that kinda static on a DVD so it just loses all the effect.

As if seeing Soulja Boy in the comments section of the Braid article wasn't enough today...

@sabrage: I feel like my IQ's just jumped off a cliff after watching that.

@immafattie: They had to think of some way of representing Jonathan Blow on the cover.

About god damned time. Looks like it might get finished before 2012 after all.

Image FAIL.

I pity tha foo' who dares call that sucka Mr. T!

Some Czech site had up a trophy list and video earlier. I managed to preserve the list but both have been pulled from there.