
Wow the title of this article in itself is troll bait. Must be BanHammer Monday.

@Revenge_of_Nekojin: It's a common occurrence for videogame store workers to snag early copies, so I'd say that his job status is as-was. Unless he scratched it up some, sold it and tried to pass it off as being new, but that's just clutching straws for worst case scenario.

@jericho84: I've only had the game a day, and managed to score an 93 yard rushing touchdown 2 games into my Franchise (made Portland Irish, replaced Detroit Lions (nobody'd miss them tbh)) with a rookie. Plays like that make me wish you can save replays in this game.

@slotter: My first Madden, getting it on PS3 Friday morning (assuming it's out over here in Europeland) but will be getting it on PS3.

@shouryuuken: He was some way off Bender when doing Wakka and Kimahri in Final Fantasy X. Didn't stop me from double-taking though and thinking "whoa, that's him". I get the same vibe from Phil LaMarr. Every time it comes back to Vamp in MGS2.

@Baboonski: Exactly. Ask anyone these days who Duke Nukem is and they'll laugh, roll their eyes and say he's a has-been and/or an industry joke. Nobody'd take it seriously even if it did make it to shelves.

@Kellen Dunkelberger: I'm planning a round-trip across the US as soon as I can afford it and try to take in at least one live game of the big sports there, but I'll certainly have a look at it when it's closer to home.

RE: Madden - as someone who's enjoyed the demo but never played football before (either real or on a console), do you see the games as a great way to get interested in the sport? I live in Ireland and am not able to watch US sports but learned and came to love ice hockey via the NHL games.

@JoeBushido: The Golden Arches rotates so it stands for Modern Warfare :D

@winshape: I was waiting to see how long it'd take for someone to post it. Never gets old!

I'd rather a T block. They're flexible, dynamic, don't block the slots while still leaving an opening for the support guy to make a great play.

@berober04: Bet Bristol fans are getting plenty of stick because of David "Calamity" James signing for them now! Should have hung up his gloves after the World Cup anyway, how old's he now at this stage? I remember him being at Liverpool in the mid-90s so he must be pushing near, if not already passed, 40.

That old photo of you reminds me kinda what a friend of mine in my old games development course would look like if he wore glasses (I dropped out after second year, he graduated). He's also Scandanavian (fitting in with your Swedish self-description thing you always bring up in these pieces). True story. Don't do it.

@icepick314: Why must you remind me that it never came out in Ireland? :(

Wow.. I knew EA'd take Project $10 and really force it down our throats, but offering up an incomplete game as an incentive to new buyers, saying "You like this? Get a Wii!"? That's a bit overkill.

@Brian Crecente: Thanks be to goodness. I just found a week-old warning in my PM box that I was never even made aware of. It'd certainly be better to know you're being watched as a potential troll-feeder, rather than going around stepping on the wrong people's toes, and then claiming that you never got pulled over on

@Anthony Knight: That's why I said "a little bit". Sure, with Halo 2 people were given plenty of notice that it was going to be discontinued. But it still got what was probably the best thing about Halo - multiplayer - taken away from it. Sure we can still play singleplayer, but we were left with the same situation

Now they know a little bit how Halo 2 players felt..

@MyNameIsNobody: I've actually got the Tenacious D spoof of that on a T-shirt.