
@Andrew Wyatt: Agreed on point 1. Sometimes I just want to reply to the "First" or "How's this news?" commenters just with a quick "Hey, that's not how we do things round our way", but at the same time, don't exactly want to broadcast it to the world and have it promoted. It'd be nice if we did have that option,

I know I'm probably not the only one, but I'd love to see a European-based editor on-site. I think you guys had one before for a while, although it probably was before I started actively reading and commenting, and while Luke's doing his best to cover it (since Australia falls in under the PAL region also), I think

@Adhominem: A lot of content, yes. Content that's just silly and shouldn't be there, I certainly won't be buying (Zombies).

@Zyrodra: Because Servbot's head's on it?

But what if we wanted to leave voice messages? Then you know, it'd actually be Talk Amongst Yourselves.

@battra92: I don't even follow baseball but I got me a US PSN account and downloaded the MLB 10 The Show demo the other day, if that counts.

@Dante_Ravenkin: Definitely. As the first GTA with fully-licensed music, it just made the experience that more.. complete. And of course, motorbikes and helicopters.

I thought it was always a timed exclusive anyway, much like Grand Slam Tennis was supposed to be?

Keeping this spoiler-free, can you replay the missions in MGS Peace Walker after you've completed the game (to go for better rankings and so on)?

@Eskobar: You're thinking of Ubisoft. And he was one of that press conference's only redeeming qualities. I thought Ubi trolled most of it.

@Numanoid: To be honest, post-Rock Band 3 I don't know what the future holds for the series either. I somehow feel that this is the culmination of everything the music peripheral genre as a whole has aimed to do, and if they can't excel past that peak, then so be it. Track packs all the way until the end of the

The way I'd have seen that, is Rock Band 3, with the way it is, will be possibly the closest games and real music will cross over. If everything's done and you see no other way you can possibly expand on it, then you need a new challenge to keep you going instead of hanging onto a job title, and that's exactly waht

@Steven Callas: I'm not going to get into the whole hoo-hah again (and I'm going to try and not come across as a troll about it), but for the most part, what everyone (myself included) seems to be annoyed about is that this whole commotion kicked off because Dean posted his comments and criticisms/advice in #TAY,

Can't we go back to a time when the community was actually enjoyable and nice and people didn't get banned for having a differing opinion?

So he's going back to making Call of Duty primarily for PC and setting up the equivalent of Battle.net to handle the subscriptions and licensing?

If you guys started a hair contest Sam Didier from Blizzard would blow the competition away.

@Ultraviper: I like how the spy is posing as a sniper, staying back from the real action. Great choice of disguise.

This isn't the contract Agent 47 thinks it is!