The Reagan was already contaminated once by Fukushima, so they know the routine.
The Reagan was already contaminated once by Fukushima, so they know the routine.
Cars — and keeping them fueled — are the only reason we are involved at all in what is essentially an Islamic civil war on the other side of the planet.
The P-3 is just a re-purposed Lockheed Electra airliner from the 1950s that came with a low wing airframe when the Navy bought it.
The Iowa class battleships were dinosaurs when they were built, but the battleship bureaucracy within the navy maintained the momentum to finish them in the 1940s while simultaneously constructing the ships of the aircraft carrier battle groups — to say nothing of the Manhattan project — that doomed Japan.
I have a soft spot in my heart for 1973 Pinto wagons. My ex had one and she firmly belonged to the wait-till-the-light-goes-on school of automotive maintenance, yet the car was reliable. The rims were rusted solid to the brake drums, and when her wiper blade went flying one winter she replaced it with one of her…