Gabby Johnson

The only thing I’ve found WD-40 is really good for is drying out wet spark plug wires, hence making use of the WD part of the product.

Same countryside, “Amishland,” in 1968 and I was learning to drive in a ‘56 V-8 Plymouth with fins and a push-button transmission. A country-road bridge over a small stream ahead that was a good three feet above the roadgrade, providing a perfect ramp, I took as a challenge.

In 1972 my Ohio University roommate and I were hitching back from a weekend in Cleveland and were on I-71 in downtown Columbus when we saw a cop car in the opposite lane take an exit ramp to come around and get us.

Mitt didn’t like his Marlin because his dog kept sliding off.

Just call it a national defense project like Eisenhower did for building the interstate system. We can even build the new grid in the rights of way Ike bought up.

Always been a fan of the 1968 T-bird Landau:

Only if there’s a raw egg in it.

On the topic of weaponizing car antennas, if you were a hood in the 1950s — in the days before you could buy an AR at Walmart — you’d build a zip gun from a cap pistol and the lower section of a car antenna that would accept a rimfire .22 cartridge for a barrel. Single shot and wildly inaccurate, perhaps, but it was

In car terms, climate change disruptions in the jet stream are causing loss of steering for big hurricanes and they’re now stalling out, as Harvey, Florence and now Dorian have shown in just the past two years.

In my hippie-dippy college days I was one time tooling around with a bunch of buds in a friend’s Econoline when the fuel pump went out. We made it the five miles home by pouring gas from a plastic cup into the throat of the carburetor. There were a couple of backfires, but that just made it more exciting.

The Europoids would have to drill UP from their ocean world to discover other worlds.

The top picture is not the Serpens, but rather a T-2 tanker, which was also mass produced during the war like the Liberty Ships, but not in that number.

I just want to know some background on why all the pallbearers at the funeral of one of the scientists killed in the accident appeared to be members of a biker gang.

Several states experimented with license plates made from soybean and other agricultural waste to save metal for the war effort. The ones Wyoming issued proved tasty to farmyard critters so the idea was dropped.

The profit margin on all the He-Man pickups drives the design so, really, they’re monuments to corporate bean-counting and marketing teams.

It would have never happened if GM had kept the ignition in the dashboard, where it belongs.

Twas not always so.

It’s an interesting problem for the software designers for self-driving rigs.

The Monsters are (actually) overdue on Maple Street.

During Glasnost in the 1980s I lived in Maine and a Russian factory ship was allowed to work summers offshore, processing pollack provided by local fishermen. (You could smell the ship five miles away). At the end of the season it would dock in Rockland and the crew would hit up local used car dealers for vehicles to