you’re absolutely stupid as shit
you’re absolutely stupid as shit
I can not say this enough: there is NO SUCH THING as a coma that lasts a year. You either die, return to baseline, or enter a persistent vegetative state (which happened to Otto) within about a month at the absolute maximum.
for what it’s worth, reading elsewhere this dude had it coming. He provoked the altercation and the other guy wasn’t having any of it. Don’t start shit if you don’t wanna get shot
I can’t like this enough. She’s a miserable bitch
HAHAHAHAHA holy fuck how the hell did you make this out into something that’s insulting female Insta users? You’re absolutely fucking pathetic.
and won’t have to worry about the consequences since they’ll all go murder their babies
No problem with the birth control. However, as a doctor and thus someone with an expert grasp on the science of reproduction, abortion is absolutely murder. Anybody who supports that can go do what you said.
fuck you
yes because the number of men and women who play games are equal too..............dingus
long enough to get meralgia paresthetica
LOL Anita Sarkeesian is absolute trash
i’m glad your brain isn’t in my head because man oh man, that’s a shitty brain u got
I’m about to play sooo much Jet Set Radio Future on my XOX. Also Morrowind, Deus Ex Invisible War, and Thief Deadly Shadows. Probably some NFL Fever 2000, Oddworld Munch’s Oddysee, and Fuzion Frenzy. I’m ridiculously hyped for this.
well at least they learned how to do facial animations finally.
found the idiot
Well Black Lives Matter is allowed to assemble, so I guess so.
Probably psychiatric in origin. Chest pain has a differential a mile long. Cardiac (heart attack, angina, pericarditis), respiratory (pneumonia, pleuritis, pneumothorax), GI (GERD, diffuse esophageal spasm, nutcracker esophagus, hepatitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer disease), musculoskeletal…
Welcome to America post-Obama, where people bitch and moan endlessly about someone else does with their own property and money.
Don’t get me wrong, the mom absolutely had it tough. But as a doctor, I can tell you it is much tougher to deliver 6 babies while keeping all the babies plus mom in good health. These 6 babies definitely are not the easiest babies to medically manage, and the hemodynamic status of a woman carrying 6 babies is…
I can’t find the answer ANYWHERE and am not about to buy the game to find out: does Afterbirth+ come with everything from the original game?