
CNN is not real news; they are propaganda. They were a creation of crazed ideologue Ted Turner trying to force a liberal agenda by presenting his views as news.

Lol you’re an absolute dipshit. I say literally nothing related to race and now I’m a “racist prick”. Your brain is poorly developed.

where were you when Obama spent his whole presidency ripping Fox News and telling them how to do their job? Choke on your sour grapes

quit crying about Trump in every post you fucking pussy

On the topic of what I’m playing this weekend, which is what this article should have been solely about instead of you sparkle chefing in a dash of your salty tears, I’ll be playing Deus Ex Mankind Divided. You are Picus.

Jesus christ will y’all get fucking crying about Trump already? He won, and a huge number of your readers support him. Likely to be former readers if you don’t quit being fucking whiny bitches. “A madman”? Fuck you.

quit fucking crying

Science isn’t an opinion, and science disagrees with the delusion that is transgenderism.

Look, I don’t think it makes somebody a bad person or deserving of being treated like garbage because they believe they are transgender. But doctors are scientists, and scientists believe in facts. If some guy really thought he was a dinosaur, I would inform he was not a dinosaur. If some guy with an A1C of 18%

Once someone proves their intelligence is below a certain level, they deserve no more of my valuable time. You have gone below that level.

lol k bye

No, I’m a doctor who knows that science doesn’t give a damn about what is PC; it only cares about facts. And the fact is, unless you have ovotesticular DSD, Klinefelter’s, congenital adrenal hyperplasia with XX genotype, complete androgen insensitivity with XY genotype, or 5-alpha reductase deficiency with XY genotype


Exactly! Bradley is and always will be a male


Lol i know how that inescapable sandbox goes. I only get about 30 minutes to (rarely) 2 hours a day to game, and I literally just finished Mankind Divided a couple days ago despite it being the only thing I’ve played since it released in August. And that’s just the core game lol haven’t even touched the DLCs.

Titanfall 2, Inside, and some Mankind Divided DLC

Mankind Divided is awesome

what is that?

really because I’ve never heard of “West World”