lol who cares
lol who cares
it made me nostalgic about being irritated by nabin's self obsessed prose in the mid oughts.
lol no these people just have extremely weird parents
you would probably be extremely polite and ask her to lend you some money
gross dude
lol c'mon dude
lol channing tatum is such a grumblepuss
this looks pretty baller steve carell sounds just like rand paul
well consider me teased
my name is jay motherfuckin blantz and i will not stand for this cowardice
is it illegal to keep it real on the avclub am i required to conform to your goddamn system is the general commentariat so goddamn precious that a lone voice can't cry out in the fog
nah they're pretty openly anti-progressive seeing as how they're avowed libertarians and make a bunch of idiotic tone deaf episodes about the heartbreak of being the guy who said nigger and reappropriating the word faggot to apply to motorcycle people not to mention the ridiculous false equivalencies they make
unrealistic now that she knows where the heart is imo
her nipples were up to her collarbone, they were fake yo
i guess if we to pretend like context isn't a thing then we can come to an agreement
glistened wetly!!!
you can't just talk about that scene without the context of the other scenes bookending it. i don't see how the mellisandre scene directly following it can be read any other way than hbo freaking out and shouting no homo and washing its hands until they bleed to rid them of the virulently contagious gay they unleashed…
nah you're right mcnutt but imo you should probably be taking HBO to task for the contempt for the audience those scenes display, the instant apology for subjecting the viewer to male nudity that has to be instantly corrected by long lingering shots of tits and bush and ass.