Jay Blanc

"So, let's make the big team up, people love those! It'll be like a eight hour long version of the first Avengers!"
"Cool, so what's going to be the linch pin that brings them together?"
"Danny Rand!"
"… Okay, sure, why not."
"And we can end it by having the character we're not sure if we want to continue with near-death."

Ray is incompetent at being a corrupt parole officer.

There's a two limit maximum on people who are competent at their jobs in Cohen Brother narratives.

I come to you as a warning from your future. Do not waste more time on this show than one episode, if even that. It does not get any better. This is the Trump Administration of MCU Media, it is never going to make the pivot away from stupidly awful. I made it through seven episodes and now I can warn you not to. It is

This is what happens when you write female characters as little more than props that have lines of dialogue.

At least now we can all relax, and stop having to over-analyse every single use of imagery in the show. After all, he said he wouldn't lie to us again. And he is a man of words.

We actually got the explanation, but it was a couple of episodes ago so it might have been paged out of memory.

There probably would be a manual power switch for shutting the whole thing down. And technical support would have told her about it. If she'd been able to call the real technical support.

That basically means it'll inevitably have someone try to retool it for an American network.

I'm also 100% certain that the writers know that the KI in KITT stands for Knight Industries. So the car's name *is* Knight.

Yes, the Union Jack does have a historical connection to the Slave Trade. In that in 1807, a few years after the Union Jack became the standard of the Royal Navy, the West Africa Squadron was authorised by parliament to interdict ships on the west coast of Africa, in an attempt to put a halt to the slave trade. The

The fade to coke is the show in microcosm. It provides the set up for what seems like the "inevitable surprise" we actually all really expect, but kid ourselves that we're clever for expecting it. Much like any advertisement. And the final act, is to leave it ambiguous as to if the expected was delivered.

And you made me realise that Gravity Falls has lost it's premier cultural and architectural land-mark. The Muffin Water Tower.

However, "The Game" has been produced by BBC Wales, the same people who produce Doctor Who, so I can't understand at all why this has aired in the US first and there's not even a future air-date for it in the UK.

So I noticed this show is getting good reviews, and wonder if I missed it when it originally aired in the UK. Then noticed that it hadn't originally aired in the UK. Oh, I thought, the BBC must be simulcasting it for the Americans, how nice of them. So I look to see what time it's on BBC One tonight… Okay, maybe it's

Watch the Lab sequence again. There's something there that tells you that Varrick considered the name Zhu Li just as important as his own, and it's masked as a joke.

Here's what I think is a hint about Zhu Li. They masked something rather important Varrick said that was actually a huge sign of respect for Zhu Li, as a joke. Here's something to help you work that out… Units.

You mean, the Sudanese kid is the whole pivot of the series? Seriously, Mike Yanagita, or rather the phone call about Mike Yanagita, is the pivot point of Fargo the movie and fuels it's denouement.

"Just Tell The Truth", ah Sally and her episode pivot lines.

I've always thought that the Show was playing up Pete being an asshole as a bait and switch, and has very clearly shown that Pete really does have a moral compass but it's been buried under the weight of 1950s New York Business Culture. We want to see Pete just transposed into being an LA asshole, but maybe the Show