Jay Bell's Selflessness

My brother has a pet theory that Sid would retire if the Pens won the cup this season. As as Pens fan, that would suck, but as a human being, I hope he does. The guy’s not going to be able to tie his shoes when he’s 40.

The management of this team’s roster in the last few years has been amazing. From ‘10 to ‘15 the playoffs were a constant disappointment for Pens’ fans because there was no one else except Sid and Geno trying to win games on their own. I know it was considered kind of a flyer at the time, but in hindsight it’s

Young bystander: Hey officer, how many pills did you find on Mr. Waltman?

I was convinced the Pens were going to lose after that first OT where Ottawa weathered the storm. The Pens looked completely gassed, and every minute that went by increased the Senators’ chances to win. Fluky shot to win it, but there were plenty of flukes to keep the puck out of the net in the first OT, so I’ll take

Hairy, Naked Idiot on the Field Evades Stadium Security

Despite themselves, I think Knicks fans knew that Phil wasn’t goink anywhere.

The frustrating thing about the response to this situation is the refusal of groups with normally opposing political ideologies to find common ground on this one situation (at least on my Twitter feed, which I will of course assume is a completely representative sample of collective attitudes).

When Darren Rovell comes begging you guys for a job, can you please require him as a condition of his employment that he respond to every single comment on his posts?

DDA funds don’t effect education.

The only way Uber could have prevented non-union labor from replacing union work is to have completely disallowed JFK as a destination for New York area riders. As it was, Uber prevented more drivers from arriving at JFK than would have had they allowed the surge to go on. This is how economics work.

“which responded to the strike by announcing that it was suspending surge pricing, thereby making it easier for people to continue to go to and from JFK during the taxi drivers’ work stoppage”

He traveled.

I haven’t clicked through for any details, but D3 Nationals were on November 20. The cross country season has been over for weeks. Unless the team is suspended next season, this is purely symbolic.

Deleted — someone else beat me to it

Can we send this to every fucking reporter that called his character into question for the mortal sin of not talking to them at the Super Bowl?

This is all a big misunderstanding. This was actually Brown University’s football team, and the player in question was part of the continuing education program. Easy mistake to make.

[Squeezing eyes shut]

I think the game was tied when Blanton came in (you wrote that the Dodgers were trying to escape with their lead intact).

When this happened in NHL 92 on Sega Genesis, it was a double kick in the balls because the penalty wasn’t assessed following the own goal.

The Packers, who are instead owned by many of them