Fuck! Winner.
Fuck! Winner.
You're kidding, right?
Snake on a Plane
Iso plays like this at the end of a game normally drive me up a fucking wall (yes, I see the screen, Lowry doesn't use it). But if you can pull off a move like that, you get to do whatever the shit you want.
Why didn't the cops just tell the manager of the Publix that Tallahassee is a big football town, and Publix needs to think long and hard before proceeding against Jameis Winston, because Publix will be raked over the coals and its life will be made miserable?
16) Joe Montana > Tom Brady.
I really was dismayed to learn through this fiasco that he is already 80 years old. Here's hoping that he lives to 100 and spends every last moment alone.
Sterling ran a team with the equivalent of an empty roster for years, and yet his ownership continued. The only people hurt by this move would be Clippers fans.
Yup, sorry, I'm an idiot. Shoulda said Bogut was their only real interior defensive presence. Not sure what the numbers say, but plus Iggy minus Bogut still feels like a net defensive negative to me.
The Warriors proved themselves to be a dangerous playoff team last year and they haven't lost anything.
Yup, my bad — but my point there would remain. Why the hell is a star player trying to break up a DP, a play that leads to injury all the time, to potentially save one measly out? You're going to be making a lot more of those outs when your guy is on the shelf.
Playoffs, fine, go all out. This is about risk assessment. Giving up two or three bases and a couple runs in the regular season, in my opinion, is not worth the risk that your star player is out for an extended period of time.
I'm sure someone from FanGraphs or Baseball Prospectus has already run the numbers on this, but if I were managing a player with a seasonal WAR above 4, I would be instructing them not to slide head first, dive for balls in the outfield, or kill themselves getting to first on routine ground balls and fly outs during…
You can't hear me because I'm not saying anything, I'm writing. Keep 'em coming, fuckwit.
Thanks for proving my point.
He and other Deadspin writers are smart enough to defend their position — if you were smart enough to click on the "Death to the NCAA" link under Tim's byline, you'd see that. Your comment got the reply it deserved. Because you're fucking stupid.
There are about a thousand other outlets that are covering this. And you shilled your own blog on here, which prominently features the phrase "hot takes," so your opinion on coverage worthiness is, let's say, flawed.
So get ready for a second, tastier Arab Spring! We keep the insurgent side cool!
Can we stop using the euphemism "decorative cake" for these inedible, shitty sugar sculptures? And "baker" for failed artist/pastry chef?
Every time Drew talks about his kids, I seriously consider having a vasectomy. And then I book a long weekend in Puerto Rico.