Jay Bell's Selflessness

It pisses me off to no end that Bud et al. have bastardized lagers to the extent that half of the beer spectrum is all but ignored by serious brewers. You really have to search for a decent one.

That is indeed a stupid sentence. Wind chill is still BS.

0:03: Charge

Had to think about it...

People go to great lengths to hide many illegal activities, but that does not mean it is impossible to find evidence of them. Conversely, that does not mean these activities are always occurring by virtue of the fact that they are normally hidden.

I was going to say this, but before I posted, looked to see whether anyone else was That Guy.

Bill Barnwell managed to write an entire piece about Marshawn Lynch on Grantland yesterday without getting within 1000 miles of the guy. The PFWA's complaint seems to be that Lynch is making them do actual fucking work. Fuck those dinosaurs.

Perhaps I'm reading too much into this situation other than being a simple money grab, but I think the sleeved uniforms serve another purpose. Stern has always been uber-paranoid about the NBA's image, and the sleeves serve to cover up the body art that a lot of players have on their shoulders and upper arms — body

I think Burneko just died so that he could roll over in his grave.

This is the second stupidest tradition at the Pro Bowl.

The worst part about them is that they're a preview of the time between the Super Bowl and March Madness, which I imagine is the time of year it is eternally in Hell.

I'm sure all this will be forgotten as quickly as his role in Mystic River.

He's not a thug, he's just scrappy.

I can't find video of it, but Blake Griffin fouled Kevin Love at the end of a quarter/half during a game this season while Love was well behind half court, like at the three point line of the opposite basket at which he was trying to score. That should make it on here.

Is it just me, or did it look like he took the fall on his right arm worse than his left? I choose to think that he can't even get injured right.

Ah shit, I hit the "cross-post comment to Jezebel" button by accident, sorry about the impending death threats.

Meh, I'd rather stick with this stuff...

But only if you were hacked.

It's the wisdom of the asses.

Haha but seriously. That was totally a charge.