Jay Banzia

So basically, Savitar is Barry from the future…who comes back in time because of how bad things go to make sure they….remain bad? Thats..stupid no. It can't be Julian, thats just obvious. Is Savitar Wally? trapped in the speed force for so long he becomes Savitar? Or did they just, straight up murder Wally in this

Oh no, I don't mean recast him, I mean just pull another one from another dimension still played by Grant Gustin without the baggage.

They also need to give Cisco all the scenes, all of them.

They need to kill Barry at the end of this season, have the first couple of episodes of the next season be Kid Flash and Quick running Central City. Then they can pull a Barry from an alternate universe, and start fresh with the character. Hell, they can even dye the guys hair blonde! The character needs a guilt free


Now witness the power of a fully armed and operational 2016.

How do these reviewers go 3 episodes without mentioning the HALL OF FREAKING JUSTICE being established and the Justice League, basically, being formed.
Despite its small forgivable flaws, this was incredible, and it was super enjoyable. Probably the best Superhero crossover on TV ever, and I hope they do it again soon.

Barry "I'll never change the timeline again…"
come one meow.

Man, they are really dragging Barry through the mud this season. Are we looking at the death of Barry Allen at the end of this season? I wouldn't be surprised if they pulled a new Barry Allen from another universe to corse correct. I mean, everyone is mad at The Flash, except for Super-Girl because they are super

Except she didn't train with Barry, Barry was busy with Barry level shenanigans the entire episode. She hadn't ever fought Barry until her mind control fight. A fight which she also, technically, "lost" to The Flash. Also, the Flash apparently is FASTER then Supergirl, the fastest person alive. So in a straight up

DELOS: Shenanigans Division.

Man, they really want her to be killer frost super badly. But there is no reason why she would have powers, her flashpoint counterpart didn't. The earth 2 double walker did but they really have no connection. She should in the clear, she's not a Skywalker or some shit, I don't get it.

Its kinda brilliant really, they just took the ARROW formula, and shorthanded it within an episode of Supergirl, it didn't even tie into the main storyline other then Supergirl getting distracted from arresting James by CADMUS. As an episode of THE GUARDIAN, I give it a B+.

I'm just wondering why they dropped James as a photographer and made him head of this company, only to have him do none of that and become a superhero. Wouldn't have been easier to put Snapper Car in charge and let Olsen just be a photographer and The Guardian? It could have been a rift off Spider-Man, really. A

Hugh Jackman would be a great Bond.

HOTTAKE: James Guardian thing is a clunky storyline for sure. That suit and its effects are pretty awesome though, I didn't hate it. The helmet is really great and the action wasn't terrible. The storyline though, so clunky.

Jeez, this was great. I'm full on with my Ford is Arnold theory. every time he brings up his "Partner" Arnold it seems sinister, but I just think he's referring to himself in the past tense.
He has also only ever talked to Bernard and Theresa about Arnold, Bernard also told Elsie. Since Ford knows everything Bernard

Ford IS Arnold is my educated take away from this episode:
1.When Ford ask Delores if he remember what he was like "before".
2. The way he casually talks about this unknown guy suddenly taking his life when no one has ever heard of him.
3. The fact that he is the only actually maybe person in that photo of him and Arnold

I'd play the rogue brown hat asshole. The kind of guy who does an entire mission to save a farmhouse, and then goes back to Sweetwater only the massacre the entire saloon.

This is actually the first time the two timeline thing might have actually been something that I understand, from a a certain point of view. The MIB at the end of his journey with the exact opposite moral compass as William, who is beginning his journey. They never appear in each others scenes. A real N00B white hat,