Jaya Wasteneys

100% on Lip's side. Kevin pissed me off with all his idealistic rambling that it was nobody's fault. And he's usually one of my favorite characters. Him, Fiona and Veronica decided to snort cocaine in a house full of kids and leave it out on the counter. Fiona's the one who was responsible for the kids, but all three

Whether he was devoting enough time or not is debatable. It certainly wasn't a lack of will IMO, he had an old man garroted just to keep her safe.

HA, that would have sucked….

One small thing irked me about this episode, and that's that Boyd didn't retort when Ava tried to blame it all on him by mentioning that he didn't get her out of prison. She flat out told him, against his vehement reluctance, to stop helping her. And this after he'd already gotten his hands very, very dirty doing so,

I actually find the plot of this season to be very intriguing. Ayaan in particular I'm very excited about. Carrie Mathison as a character however, is about as interesting as watching paint dry on growing grass while listening to elevator music. To be honest, the drama surrounding her instability was only ever really