
VOTE: toodledo!

@mikejhudson_1999: to me, the more important question is, what are they doing with it? All cloud-based contact management will put it in someone's hands and without those solutions, we face a shortening list of options that quickly decrease the convenience factor.

@n2turtles: thunderbird has a number of extensions that will sync with other contact lists. Zindus comes to mind and I imagine there's one for plaxo, too.

@Olivier Ofutur: That sounds like a nice feature set. You reminded me that I can keep using my Android phone as a syncing tool.

I switched to the vivo barefoot shoes about a year ago and will never go back to regular shoes. I just tried running in them — on a treadmill — a few weeks ago and didn't last long. It's very different, using "new" leg muscles and rolling the foot in a new way so I need to develop those a bit more. It felt good,