Joe Creighton

"Of the Heart…" was released in 1991, not 1988

iirc in the commentary(?), they state it had to do with the child-labor laws and they were only allowed so many "evening" hours to shoot the geeks.

The thing that changed with this show over the years was the adult in me discovering that Kevin Arnold is a colossal shithead almost all of the time. I was even moved to rant about it a number of years ago - 
http://jayaresea.com/?p=512 - and I laughed when I see the Wonder Years episode covered here featured Kevin

The thing that changed with this show over the years was the adult in me discovering that Kevin Arnold is a colossal shithead almost all of the time. I was even moved to rant about it a number of years ago - 
http://jayaresea.com/?p=512 - and I laughed when I see the Wonder Years episode covered here featured Kevin

i asked that very question in my absurdly detailed recap of the "It Was A Good Day" music video. I came to the conclusion that he was combining rebounds and assists from multiple games to get to the triple double. Which I found to be kind of sad, for Ice Cube :( http://jayaresea.com/?p=1619