
"Then Shaw, who was there late rushing to repair members' golf clubs for the next day's tournament..."

This has many elements of the opening chapter to Don DeLillo's Underworld, with the ages of the strugglers reversed, the presence of the police, and the absence of a vomiting Jackie Gleason. Oh, and that the home run mattered in Underworld.

This, and a well-timed, top-17 90210 shopping sprees anecdote and he's in.

And Big Sam's reaction says it all.

Fox has given us an inside peak as to how they are thinking outside of the box regarding producing a sports show. Women will be on mute and their comments will be relayed through the closed captioning feature of your television, unless those comments contain an obvious or subtle sapphic innuendo.

This is spectacular:

That's Dennis Duffy, dummy.

Aaand...Colon delivers to Pujols, who sprays it foul.

Funny story, it's actually the world's largest PT Cruiser, Touring Edition (convertible) in LA County.

Looks like dinosaur kale to me.

Adam LaRoche is asking for a trade and for someone to pull his hammy.

If he wanted cheers, he should have held the draft in Sacramento...

Glad to see MA and CT have ironed out their extradition treaty issues.

After reviewing the video, and taking into consideration that Mark Sanchez is not married, I find no evidence that he's done anything stupid. In fact, he appears to be doing everything 100% right.

Between this and the Decision, apparently Simmons is the only person who can spot elephants in the room at ESPN.

Agreed. He hasn't pulled any punches. He may annoy, but he isn't duplicitous.

I should have known that the Gestapo was responsible for this atrocity:

More like a kangaroo court. What's she hiding in that pouch under her chin, hmm?

"Real Retarded" is also the name of the new MLS franchise from Sanford, FL.

Roger Goodell just smashed a hard drive somewhere.