Jay Aniakor

As far we know, walkers can't even climb stairs (which someone else pointed out). So I have no idea how all of them could have died. I guess that's why they couldn't actually SHOW them being overtaken.

I don't understand why it took them all the way until the end of that massacre to realize they could have broken the windows with chairs or something.

No other show is as good at making you hate the people you're supposed to like—or at least side with—than TWD Universe.

The fact that Adventure Time is no longer being reviewed is extremely depressing.

They made it seem pretty clear that there was a solid chance he would not pull through.

I want to say TOO on the nose, but—who are we kidding. There's nothing too on the nose for this show.

Seriously though.

That scene didn't seem to be set up to lead to a suicide—he probably would have done that before heading to the hotel—but I would not be sad to see Chris/Travis and that whole storyline disappear forever.

Her face when seeing her husband again, whom she thought forever lost, was the same as when Nick left her, was the same as when Alicia was telling her she was all she had left. And all of those faces are like 2.30 in the afternoon at work, zoning out at the computer, "God I don't want to here right now" face. WHY

You would think the show had realized by now that it's not all that fun to watch assholes be assholes. I mean, at least if they're fun/interesting, sure. But the Gang of Psychos is not.

If you're in a musical, you're almost certainly doing some kind of dancing. Seymour dances in the Broadway production of Little Shop of Horrors.

I think she'd be better than fine. Clever and confident queens typically find a way to pull out a win/surprise with what they do. How many lip-syncs did Ginger win in her season? Like, three?

Ginger's "I can't dance" schtick was played up for the cameras. She's a trained Broadway performer. Dancing is on her resume.

Tbh, I didn't see what was so incredible about Alyssa/Alaska's performance. I thought Alyssa was fine, but I thought Alaska was the anchor that held it together. If it were anyone else it feels like it would have gone off the rails.

The producers seem not to be a fan of Ginger this go round, though. Arguably, she could have stayed both times she was eliminated this season.

You nailed it here. That's exactly how I would describe it.



It's so silly that Madison did that, but I guess something like that had to happen. There are no more Walkers in the hotel and everyone living is on the same side (for now), so…gotta inject some drama somehow. Even if it is really stupid.

I'm calling it right now—Andreas & Strand are gonna bang. And if you were Strand, you would hit it too.