Jay Aniakor

I'm just in it for the pretty cute "slacker/hacker with a heart of gold" vibe I get from Cisco. Like, the guy you'd be terrified to bring home to your family, but that just makes you like him more.

Well, "learning" to drive" is different than coasting down the road. Of course someone could learn to put the car in drive and move along in more or less a straight line fairly quickly. But if you can learn to actually drive—including turning, braking, signaling, parking, etc etc in just 30 seconds—you must be truly

Except TWD also features all of the main characters messing things up for everyone they come across too, and Rick is the most anti-hero of anti-heroes there has ever been.

It'd be a good way to deliver on the promise of actually seeing the world pre-apocalypse/as it happens apart from the very small glimpse we got before the whole crew jumped on a boat and LA burned. If they had a flashback to start every episode (well, not every episode) including WHAT THE HELL the government is up to

THAT SHOULD BE THE STORY WE'RE WATCHING. How much more interesting would that be? And different. This is just TWD Part 2.

Random thought, but I find it intriguing that people on both shows (TWD and FTWD) have not run into many (if any at all) high-ranking government officials. Some of them must still be alive. It would be interesting to find out what they're up to.

WUUUUT. seriously? i…don't even know what to think about that.

To be fair, eventually that 19 year old is gonna be 51.

Seriously though. He both stole the snack (fucking up that place's trust with the cartel) and then sold them out, telling them they have drugs and antibiotics and stuff. Nick was a little shit-turd this week

To be fair, I think he was just being harmlessly flirtatious. As he says (and from what we know of him), he's a seducer. A salesman. I highly doubt they were about to rip each other's clothes off and go at it on top of the bar.

Is that show STILL ON? Is it any good now?


I didn't always buy into the "Kim Dickens' face doesn't show emotion," but man…when Alicia says Nick's gone, it's just you and me—Madison looked as though someone had just casually reminded her of her doctor's appointment in the morning.

For reference see: Rick's group leaving the home covered in zombie ponchos last season on TWD. When they left, the sun was high in the sky. Then night fell and they were still in the same goddamn yard. Time is a non-factor in the show.

No. I can't even understand that. He had at least 15-20 seconds to calmly get up, walk back to his truck (where there were probably more guns), and stay alive. Instead he stayed on the ground panicking as an extremely slow moving horde came toward him. It'd be like watching a slow-moving car coming at you from 100

Except for that time she lead all those pirates to their boat, thus fucking everybody's shit up for a couple episodes and resulting in a few deaths.

Agreed. We didn't find out anything new about Nick or the story at all, really. I guess his past was fleshed out a little, but we already very much know he's a scrappy survivor whose past as an addict/junkie leaves him well suited to this post-apocalyptic world. And that he likes being among the Dead. This was just

I saw it coming, but I thought "No. The writers wouldn't write someone this stupid. Would they? Anyone in their right mind would just take a few steps back toward the vehicle. WOULDN'T THEY???" And as they got closer and closer I realized, wait a minute—these are TWD writers. He's gonnna die because he has to get his

I didn't hate it, but I definitely didn't like it.

Except we know that he's watching Seinfeld.