This. All of this. Plus it's super annoying to watch any megalomaniacal person just roam free unchecked.
This. All of this. Plus it's super annoying to watch any megalomaniacal person just roam free unchecked.
They would have known about the boat regardless, as they probably have radar. But I think she let them know about the situation on the boat. She was telling them who was on board, the details, what kind of group they had, etc. It let Connor's group know how to prepare and what they were dealing with/allowed them to…
Yeah I think you missed the whole point of the post.
If everyone who actually said they were going to stop watching the show would actually stop watching it, it'd be off the air in a heartbeat. But I think people continue to tune in because they're stuck in TWD franchise world and don't know how to get out/don't want to miss out on the water cooler talk. Just don't turn…
Yes I don't think they're all psychopathic murderers yet (YET), so I don't think that plan would have played out.
"Alicia also appeared to have some regret at watching him be put out of the compound."
I've said it before and I'll say it again. i don't think Strand is going anywhere. I really think he and Madison are the Rick and Michonne of this series (minus the sex).
I'm still shipping Jasper/Monty.
Yeah, I mean—she could have killed him whenever. Literally, whenever. The worst possible time to do it was when legions of enemies are crawling through the window and you're on a mission to save the world.
I'm pretty bored too, but I'm fairly certain ADC's character on the show is gonna have a pretty big role post-apocalypse. it seems to be like they're setting her up to go from bored typical upper-middle class teenager pre-apocalypse to realizing how badass she is, take no shit Michonne style leader post-apocalypse.
I just need Monty and Jasper to be together. Clearly it's going to be the only thing that would make Jasper happy in this world.
Speaking of endings…what do we think the next season is going to be about now? The potential impending doom of the end of the world (for the second time) that ALIE was describing? Wouldn't it be crazy if they went back into space?
Especially since people like Clarke and Jasper have never even seen (modern) cities in their lives, so that must have been kind of trippy
`You know what I don't understand? How is everyone transferring to the CoL supposed to save the human race? Can they procreate there? Or does everyone just, like…not die? What happens to their physical bodies?
I'm sorry—every single gripe you've just picked out has nothing to do with activism for marriage equality and raising money for charity, as Bob has continually done. You can't take our your issues with the direction of gay rights' activism (some of which I agree and some I don't) or transphobia on someone who is…
I'm sorry—I didn't realize, for example, protesting for marriage equality was not positive. You may think it reinforces hetero/homonormativity, but that's not your decision to make for every other gay person.
Did you miss the part where I said "positive?" Positive is relative, of course. And did you just ignore everything else that was in that comment?
Any positive activism is good activism and is far more than the average person does. A true activist wouldn't spend time putting another one down.
Then why did you mention his activism? It's not the only thing he does.
Why would you think his activism is the only thing he plans on doing?