Jay Aniakor

I agree. I think many people wanted to see a bit more of a slow burn in the lead up to the apocalypse, before the cities came crumbling down. LA is already torched. We're already post-apocalypse. This is just a parallel of "The Walking Dead." I can't go through all that "we're becoming monsters" stuff again so soon.

I don't know that she does either of those things. She's mostly just been angsty and stupid up to this point.

Wasn't that already supposed to happen when he had to shoot the mother of his child in the head?

And then they shoot directly in his, her or their direction and the bullets create a cartoon cutout of their body shape around the dumpster because every bullet has managed to miss and only hit the zombies swimming around.

I still can't get over how long it apparently took Rick and his group to walk out of that damn house with the zombie ponchos on and make it anywhere. It was like a full day and night situation.

Teens continue to be the absolute goddamn worst. Like—I understand that with age comes wisdom, but teens actively working to kill everyone around them is something I thought we could be done with. If only TWD could write non-super angsty, overly emotional assholes of adolescents. Alas…

It can be two things. A lot of bro-y type guys have crushes on certain girls primarily BECAUSE they just appear to be one of the guys.

50s hipster? I'm pretty sure that was supposed to be a stereotypical thief/robber outfit, like the Hamburglar.

Please hop off your soapbox, you're not the only person who understands sexual violence. Like I said, I never said it wasn't rape. In fact, I'm very much agreeing with you that there was no verbal consent. I said it was filmed in a way that unintentionally comes off as something they don't want.

I didn't say joking makes it not rape, I said that the way that it was filmed made it clear that they were going for an effect that they did not achieve, because of reasons aforementioned by several people.

The way the scene was shot and edited, the music, and the dialogue between the two made it clear that they were going for some kind of fun, kinky thing, which is why I see why Kyle said it (not saying I agree). Rapes are virtually never depicted as sexy, sensual music-playing situations in music and television because

Right and I'm saying it's complicated by the writers writing the scene in that way. They clearly meant for it to come off as a sexy, fantasy type situation but because they made his consent not clear they created a messy situation. I don't think it's what they wanted.

I agree in that the way it was portrayed was seemingly non-consensual, but wouldn't the only person who knows if it was rape be Murphy? He could (and I in my life have) honestly thought no I don't think I will, and then decided yes.

City of Light = CoL = Collies?

That line was just a LITTLE groanworthy though. The scene was interesting but that last line threw it into Triple X / Fast and the Furious territory.

I do agree with Kyle's contention that Bellamy's turn to the dark side this season seemed a bit contrived and they seemed to destroy his character just for us to feel the cathartic building of him back up. I guess we will see if the show can convince us to eventually stop hating him. 'S a tall order.

I'm gonna hold out hope that Abby is smart enough even to outsmart Alie and she knows what she's doing. I've had so much faith in her up to this point, don't let me down gurl!

I'm just confused about two things:

??? How was Crazy Eyes a variation on his Empire character? Cookie and Crazy Eyes are NOTHING alike, and he didn't play them that way.

Horribly offensive, but moving on…