Jay Aniakor

I would also guess that the "drug" (if that's what it is?) is designed to first remove pain and eventually all attachment to the physical world, making it that much easier for people to leave it behind and enter the CoL. It's like a cult slowly convincing people to drink the Kool Aid and leave this world behind.

The gun lobby may not want us to remember, but (un)luckily we have Virginia Tech, and Newtown, and sadly many others to keep the memory strong.

For sure. I don't think he's a "bad person" really; I just wish he had spoken to his son when his son was ready to.

All fair points. I don't mean to say what Taylor did was in any way comparable to the tragedy at Columbine. I just think the trauma experienced by people in Columbine/the conversations surrounding the incident are a sort of setting by which to understand what victims of violence like this feel like.

9/11 will be 15 years ago this year, and it is still a very present and very real memory in many Americans' minds that triggers an emotional response the same way Columbine does. Changed this nation the same way Columbine did.

Also throughout the rest of the episode. She had been perfectly put together and polished throughout the season, the picture of professionalism and poise. This episode her appearance, particularly her hair, was in various states of disarray after she returned to school, and seemed to get more and more disheveled as

Lol yes but I don't think she ever would have said "I love you" in the way you're thinking, and certainly not directly to any student. There are different kinds of love. And I think teachers have this general love and bond with their students in the same way coaches do with players, and other master/apprentice

I don't know how close the relationship between that teacher and Dylan is, but I'll just offer from personal experience that when you find out someone close to you has done something you consider unspeakable or horrifying, it does not remove your capacity to love them as this person you've come to know, although you

What I thought was a little strange was that Eric's dad made it seems as if he had been there all along and was just waiting for Eric to open up to him, but when Eric first came home from the hospital and asked his dad if he wanted to talk about it (when he clearly wanted to talk about it), his dad pretty much brushed

She was very bad. I'm still laughing at her father not understanding how phones/text messages work though, haha.

I think what's throwing me off a little bit is that the teen who started out this season as, ostensibly, a victim of rape, is now probably going to jail for quite a long time, and the teen who started out as being accused of rape has now been vindicated, in a sense. It feels weird to wind up here for some reason.

I thought this too, but then I thought better of it.

Sadly, no. I thought it was a beautiful film. At the very least I thought it should have been up for a number of creative awards, including Cinematography/Production Design/Costume etc.


Counting on this.

I think the point Rick made during the episode was something to the effect of "he's never actually tried to pull a gun on us/kill us." Even when he took Daryl's gun, he saved his life by killing the walker behind him and didn't seem to have any intention of killing Daryl. And he can clearly handle himself but he

Ahhh, I see. But did he know that Rick and Daryl were from that same camp? Also getting in their good graces means that they could bring him inside without pushback; if he showed up on his own it might have been much harder for him to gain entry.

As to your 8th point, situations like that always call to my mind that joke that Family Guy did (ah, how long it's been since they made one of those) about rom-coms, where the guy says to the girl something to the effect of "Over the next 90 minutes, I'm going to show you how all your problems can be solved by my

He mentioned at that office that they got divorced in 2012, so the whole fling with his character might have been after that.

You do have to admit that almost nothing is happening with so many of the key players, though. Cary, Diane and David haven't really done anything in FOREVER, and now Lucca seems to be being pushed off to the side too. I really miss when we actually used to follow Diane and Cary around in their personal lives and watch