Kevin was on Taylor's hit list, right? There's got to be more to the story there. The other guys who attacked him weren't on the list of names he wrote down (just him and Wes).
Kevin was on Taylor's hit list, right? There's got to be more to the story there. The other guys who attacked him weren't on the list of names he wrote down (just him and Wes).
His brother suuuccckkksssss. Taking a page straight out of Westboro Baptist Church, are we? His dad sucks probably even more (when are you actually going to TALK to your son?). His mom is off the scales on the spectrum of "suckiness" and only appeared to show us how hateful she is. That whole family is just awful.
I don't know. The fact that he stole the gun and then went immediately to Leslie's office with it probably speaks to the fact that it was a hit list. He also then shot someone else on his hit list. It doesn't look good, that's for sure.
He was, in fact, yelling "I'll kill you, I'll kill you," which you could present as an immediate threat to his life. But yes—I'm sure the fact that the gun is not legally owned by him (and could not be) and that he brought it to school are not going to bode well.
Yes, it seems very unwise to have the only thing written down in that notebook be a hit list. And then to leave it out in the open.
I thought it was kind of stupid off the bat because this guy looked like no impressive physical specimen and as soon as he started attacking I was like "umm…this is a young athlete who definitely looks like he can handle himself." Of course, being caught off guard by an attack is another thing, but I didn't expect…
That look she gave to her phone when she was interrupted at the seminar was the look of woman who just realized her career was over. And she played it fantastically.
Or because they like R&B. lol
Or just PICKED him up and MOVED. I'm like—how many adults do you have around there that could have just picked this 90 pound kid up and MOVED. I would have thrown him over my shoulder and been out of there.
Counterpoint: Michonne
I have two problems with it.
It's kind of disappointing that it's all coming full circle, in the end. I would've liked to see a whole new world for Alicia. Instead, she started at Lockhart Gardner, and she's ending up back there. Her husband started in jail, and he's probably going to end up back there as well.
It's not fair to insult anyone for not realizing, but yes—they've made it pretty clear that the number of words in the title is a seasonal thing.
Even though Lockhart/Agos is a big firm with all the necessary bureaucratic proceedings, I have a hard time believing they would put Lucca with the rest of the just starting out associates, having seen firsthand from the other side of the table how devastating she could be in court. She seems like someone they should…
But he still would have been zombie bait no? When Nicholas killed himself and fell off the dumpster (which I still haven't gotten over), they swarmed his body and ate him. So I don't think it would have mattered if the kid had been decapitated. In fact, there'd be more blood for them to swarm over :D
Most likely both.
Um—it's a character. It doesn't matter if it's a child. It's FICTION. No one here wants any actual child to die. No matter how crazily you yell it, it's not true. Please disappear with your "save the children" VH1 special. And do you only care about children? Why are you so strange?!?
Please disappear with your trolling. Writers write characters who are annoying, stupid, bigoted, impeding, exasperating, selfish, greedy, liars, cheaters, etc etc etc to manipulate their audiences into feeling different things about them. When characters get what audiences feel like is their comeuppance (even if YOU…
You need to chill out man, wtf is up?!?